Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Interview with Richard Price, CEO

This post is a bit different from what Bonnie and I usually post in this blog ? an interview with Dr. Richard Price, founder and CEO of, a social network for researchers. ? is a San Francisco-based start-up, which currently has 1.8 million registered users and 4.5 million unique visitors a month, with about 4,000 new users registering every day. ?In August 2012, the site added an analytical dashboard, which supplies researchers with various statistics such as the number of profile views, number of paper downloads, and so forth.

I did an email interview with Dr. Price about peer review, the future of academic publishing, and how fits into it.

Dr. Richard Price

Dr. Richard Price

First of all, it was a surprise to find out you have a doctorate in Philosophy, because bibiliometrically speaking, philosophers are ?lone wolves? who prefer to publish alone or with very few coauthors. How did you end up building an academic social network?

I was doing a PhD at Oxford in philosophy, and, while I was doing that, I noticed the inefficiency in academic publishing. I remember there was a three-year time-lag between submitting my first paper to a journal and the journal publishing it. The disparity between the dynamism of the web as a whole and the system of academic communication and publishing was very apparent to me. Just imagine it taking three years for Twitter to publish a tweet; it?s unfathomable.

Philosophy papers tend to be more single-authored than papers in fields like biology, but the process that leads to a paper being written is still very collaborative: chatting about the ideas with colleagues, and so on. Furthermore, once one has published a paper, one is keen for it to be distributed as quickly as possible to the community at large, so others can criticize it, or build on it.

A lot of the world?s innovation in medicine and technology depends on progress in science, and so I thought this was a worthwhile problem to work on. When I finished my PhD, I raised $600,000 from some London-based angel investors and venture capitalists and moved to San Francisco to build the company. I wanted to be in San Francisco because the Bay Area is the main hub for technology companies in the world.

Have you noticed discipline-dependent differences in using the site?

Historically, we have focused on building functionality that serves the whole of the research world. Some common themes that we have focused on are the sharing of papers and analytics around that the consumption of those papers.

Moving forward, we expect some aspects of the site to be more popular with some scientists than others, depending on the type of media they typically use to share their research. For instance, a biologist typically works with large data-sets, but a pure mathematician typically doesn?t.

I understand you?ve raised about seven million dollars from investors so far, but I suppose that won?t last forever (and that they?re expecting a return for their investment?). What is the company?s business model?

The goal is to provide trending research data to R&D institutions that can improve the quality of their decisions by 10-20%. The kind of algorithm that R&D companies are looking for is a ?trending papers? algorithm, analogous to Twitter?s trending topics algorithm. A trending papers algorithm would tell an R&D company which are the most impactful papers in a given research area in the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, or any time period. Historically it?s been very difficult to get this kind of data. Scientists have printed papers out, and read them in their labs in un-trackable ways. As scientific activity is moving online, it?s becoming easier to track which papers are getting more attention from the top scientists.

There is also an opportunity to make a large economic impact. Around $1 trillion a year is spent on R&D globally: about $200 billion in the academic sector, and about $800 billion in the private sector (pharmaceutical companies, and other R&D companies).

Today, publishing in a top journal is considered a ?stamp of approval?. In your opinion, what will be the future Web equivalent of publishing in a high-impact journal?

There will be a family of credibility metrics that reflect the impact of a piece of research on the scientific community. Ultimately, credibility metric is trying to reflect the sentiment of the scientific community toward a particular piece of content. The historical peer review process ends up taking the opinions of two peer reviewers as a proxy for the opinion of the scientific community. As noted above, 2 people is not a large enough sample size.

One feature of the future of credibility metrics in science is that they will be based on much larger sample sizes. It is going to be possible to see what hundreds of scientists think of a paper, and not just what two people think.

Another feature is that there is going to be a family of signals about the quality of any given paper. Historically, there has been one signal of quality for an academic paper, and that has been the title of the journal that the paper is published in. In the last 5-7 years, citation counts have also emerged as a valid credibility metric, mainly because Google Scholar started making them available for any given paper. Analytics Dashboard is helping scientists see usage metrics associated with their work: page view counts, download counts, and related metrics.

Resources are scarce in science, and this means that there is significant competition for any given grant or job. When you are up for a job or a grant, there are typically 200 other people applying who have a similar number of peer-reviewed publications as you. You are incentivized to try to make your application stand out. That competitive spirit has driven the adoption of new credibility metrics in science: the citation counts and the page view metrics that offers. Many users take screenshots of their Analytics Dashboards and include them with their applications for tenure track jobs or grants. These credibility metrics demonstrate across a variety of dimensions the impact of the researcher?s work.

There will be a growing number of credibility metrics in science, each of which reflects a different kind of sentiment. This mirrors the diversity of credibility metrics on the web more broadly. There are credibility metrics as part of Twitter (followers, retweets), Github (repos, followers), YouTube (views), StackOverflow (reputation), Facebook posts (likes, comments). The way a person or a community thinks about a particular piece of content is complex and multidimensional, and increasingly credibility metrics will reflect that multi-dimensionality.

What will drive the adoption of these credibility metrics is the competitive spirit in the scientific community. A scientist is incentivized to add as many strings to his/her bow as possible when applying for a grant or a job. The way the credibility metrics will be introduced will be in a grassroots way, with scientists saying ?This metric presents my work in a good light, so I am going to use it.?

It?s worth mentioning that any credibility metric in any domain is going to be gamed. The journal publishing system is subject to this as much as anything else. For instance, there is the practice of defensive citation: a scientist is incentivized to cite anyone who might conceivably peer review their paper. That is a way of gaming the journal system.

Looking at the broader web, people try to game Google. Google has a certain amount of built-in resistance to spam because its algorithm is recursive: Google looks not just at the number of inbound links to a website, but the quality of the linking site as well. Nonetheless, link farms exist to try to game PageRank. Any site that runs a credibility metric has to stay one step ahead of people trying to game or spam the system. This is a solvable problem, as many sites have shown. But it is an issue that you have to be prepared for.

Tell us a bit about your new analytical dashboard. How can it benefit its academic users?

The Analytics Dashboard fits into the general trend of scientists wanting a direct relationship with their audience and wanting to track analytics around that relationship. One reason they want to see those analytics is personal: in the researcher?s mind, the analytics validate that the research they are doing is having an impact.

But the more important role that the analytics have is professional: being able to establish to the world at large, and especially grant and hiring committees, that your work is having an impact. There ?is a need to stand out from the crowd when applying for a grant or a job. The Analytics Dashboard on helps an academic do that. offices offices

Should every scientist think about her or his self as a Web brand?

In the past, the journal would sit in between the scientist and his/her audience and mediate that relationship. We are moving toward a world where the personal brands of scientists are starting to eclipse those of journals. This is reflective of a broader trend occurring on the web, where sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Github, and others have enabled content creators to have direct relationships with their audiences.

We are moving toward a world where the key node in the network of scientific communication is the individual rather than the journal. The individual is increasingly going to be the person who drives the distribution of their own work and also the work of other people they admire.


I?d like to thank Dr. Price for the interview and Paige Schoknecht for arranging it. Photos courtesy of

Other links:

The future of science, guest post by Richard Price in TechCrunch blog



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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Can I get a cash out refinance for home improvements if I have less ...

My husband and I?want to refinance soon.? We bought our home in 2008 for $311,000 and have made several improvements.? Based on similar local sales, I believe it will appraise for around $320,000 now.??We currently owe about $278,000, so?we do not have 20% equity.??We would also like to finish?the basement, which I am estimating will cost about $20-$25k, or possibly less, because we?are willing to?do some of the simpler work ourselves (painting, etc.).??What are?the options?? Can?we do a cash out refinance???We are?already paying PMI, so what are the pros/cons of?cashing out on?a first?mortgage, if we are eligible?? Do any lenders look at the estimated value after improvements for the refinance?? Would we be better off?refinancing the first, then getting a second for the improvements, or would we even qualify for?a loan like this?? (Our credit scores are in the 750 range,?debt ratio is less than 20% with mortgage, and we have 4 and 18 years with current employers.)

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Before and After Pregnancy Tips | Pregnancy Week By Week

Take your iron pills. Many pregnant women will get anemia at some point during their pregnancy. Your body needs a lot of iron reserves for the birth and after when you are breastfeeding. Question your doctor early about taking an iron supplement to keep your levels high and prevent anemia in the first place.

When you are pregnant and your stomach finally starts expanding go buy yourself some comfortable maternity clothes. Your going to be pregnant for the next several months, so you might as well be comfortable. This also makes sure that you don?t have to keep buying new clothes as you endlessly expand.

Change your eating habits if you tend to stay away from healthy foods. You want to be eating foods that have a lot of vitamins and that offer a lot of nutrition. All the food you eat your baby will be eating as well. This can effect the growth of the child.

Start taking pregnancy belly pictures early. Many women like to have early pictures to compare against as the months pass. If you turn out not to want them, you don?t have to keep them, but you can?t choose later that you want to keep photographs that you never had taken.

If you get a headache when you are pregnant, make sure to stay away from aspirin. Aspirin has been proven to cause harm in both an expectant mother and baby. It is best to question your doctor what medications are safe for you to use. Also, try relieving head pressure by using a cool compress.

If you are not sure how to handle a child or a newborn, talk to the mothers that you know. Offer to babysit for them. This way you are getting some experience, and your friend is getting a well deserved break from being a mother. Just keep in mind that no two children are the same!

One of the very basic things that pregnant women should do in order to achieve a healthy pregnancy is to start changing the food habits that they have. It is very vital to have a healthy variety of foods in order to properly nourish the baby.

Start exercising for a healthy you and a healthy baby. Pregnancy is not an excuse to sit on the couch for nine months. Being active during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of miscarriages and can help shorten the length of your labor. Keeping yourself active will go a long way towards having a smooth pregnancy.

Try not to wear clothing that is too tight when pregnant. This kind of clothing can really cause your fetus to not get enough oxygen and make you uncomfortable. There are maternity jeans available for pregnant women. Also, when at home, try to wear sweatpants or pajama bottoms with a loose T-shirt.

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Detoxification for your Body and Live Healthy | SouthWest Day Spa

by Cassie on October 25, 2012


?says Peter Bennett, N.D., medical director of Helios Clinic in Victoria, B.C., and co-author with Stephen Barrie, N.D. and Sara Faye, of 7-Day Detox Miracle (Prima Health).

How often do you detoxify your body?

We have what we called the Detoxification Program which involves dietary changes along with taking therapeutic nutrients in the form of powders, liquids and/or capsules, as well as hydrotherapy, dry skin brushing and exercise. Quiet activities such as prayer, meditation or slow diaphragmatic breathing are equally as important during a successful detoxification program. (

As part of your Detoxification program, foods that detox the body also plays a great role. And, what are those?

1. Fruits
2. Green Foods
3. lemons, oranges, and Limes
4. Garlic
5. Broccoli Sprouts
6. Green Tea
7. Mung Beans
8. Raw Vegetables
9. Seeds and Nuts
10. Omega-3 Oils


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Donald Trump's big reveal: Obama an alien or wears a wig? (Los Angeles Times)

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

17th Century Microscope Book Is Now Freely Readable

[...] This is a full scan of the original pages, including illustrations. It's looking pretty good.

Some of the pages are garbled, or, at the very least, a tad difficult to parse, due to the ensuing or previous page(s) bleeding through to the others during the scanning process. (Granted, this phenomena gave me an excellent idea for an IEEE CVPR/TPAMI paper about a variational, non-local image inpainting scheme for fixing such things in scanned, double-sided documents.)


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Kansas magistrate adopts Warshak, strikes down warrant ...

In In re Applications for Search Warrants, No.?12-MJ-8119-DJW (D. Kan. 2012), a magistrate judge adopted the Sixth Circuit's Warshak?view that electronic communications are subject to a reasonable expectation of privacy and held that search warrants for such information should be sufficiently limited to the relevant crime(s) and should address limits for reviewing the data.

The government had applied for two search warrants to obtain electronic communications from Yahoo! and UnityFax. In the application, they alleged that the account holder had been spamming individuals in an attempt to defraud them.

In deciding whether the Fourth Amendment applies to electronic communications, the judge relied heavily on the Sixth Circuit's decision in Warshak?(Kansas is in the Tenth Circuit).

The Court finds the rationale set forth in Warshak persuasive and therefore holds that an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy in emails or faxes stored with, sent to, or received thorough an electronic communications service provider. Accordingly, the Fourth Amendment protections, including a warrant "particularly describing" the places to be searched and communications to be seized, apply to a search warrant seeking such communications.
But here, of course, the government was already seeking the communications by a search warrant (under
18 U.S.C. ? 2701(b)(1)(A) & (c)(1)(A)), rather than a 2703(d) Order. The court found that the applications did not meet the particularity requirements of the Fourth Amendment.

First, the judge found that a warrant ordering disclosure of "all email or fax communications" was "too broad and too general." The requests must "limit the universe" to information related to "the specific crimes being investigated." Second, the applications?"fail to set out any limits on the government's review of the potentially large amount of electronic communications."

The Court finds the breadth of the information sought by the government's search warrant for the either the fax or email account?including the content of every email or fax sent to or from the accounts?is best analogized to a warrant asking the post office to provide copies of all mail ever sent by or delivered to a certain address so that the government can open and read all the mail to find out whether it constitutes fruits, evidence or instrumentality of a crime. The Fourth Amendment would not allow such a warrant.
The judge's suggestions for alleviating these issues included limiting the search to keywords or communications between certain individuals or to appoint a special master or filter group to review the information.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Leaders' popularity dives


VOTERS' increasing disillusionment with federal politics and leaders has soured opinions of the characteristics of Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott in the Age/Nielsen poll in the past two years.

Compared with August 2010, people are less inclined to see Ms Gillard as competent (72 per cent in 2010 to 63 per cent now), open to ideas (72-62 per cent), possessing a firm grasp of social policy (69-56 per cent) or having the ability to make things happen (63-56 per cent).

Fewer also are inclined to see her as a strong leader (60-53 per cent), having a clear vision for Australia's future (60-50 per cent), possessing a firm grasp of economic policy (55-48 per cent), having the confidence of her party (63-47 per cent), or being trustworthy (48-39 per cent).

Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott.

Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott.

Perhaps as a result of the extensive debate about the role of the Greens, Ms Gillard is also seen now as more influenced by minority groups than two years ago (40-52 per cent).


The only area in which she has improved is that, after extensive travel abroad, most recently to India, she is regarded by more people as having a firm grasp of foreign policy - 56 per cent now to 39 per cent in 2010.

Mr Abbott's ratings have fallen by lesser amounts. But fewer people think he has the confidence of his party (73-64 per cent), is competent (63-58 per cent), has the ability to make things happen (58-51 per cent), is a strong leader (54-50 per cent), has a clear vision for Australia (51-49 per cent), is open to ideas (55-46 per cent), has a firm grasp of social policy (51-44 per cent), possesses a firm grasp of foreign policy (46-43 per cent), or is trustworthy (46-41 per cent).

His rating has hardly changed on being influenced by minority groups (28-27 per cent).

On the key issue of having a firm grasp of economic policy, Mr Abbott has remained steady at 52 per cent.

While he is seen as sexist by a hefty 42 per cent, women are more likely to describe him this way than men (45-38 per cent).


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Please, a discerning presidential debate on foreign policy

When Mitt Romney and President Obama debate foreign policy Monday evening, they need to admit the US faces wholly new challenges that require a national consensus on the core values that can drive US responses.

By the Monitor's Editorial Board / October 21, 2012

The crew of a US Coast Guard cutter retrieves supplies dropped by a parachute into the fast-melting ice of Arctic Ocean. The US faces new challenges of national security, a topic likely in Monday's presidential debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney.



In their Monday-night debate focused on foreign affairs, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney probably won?t be asked this question posed 20 years ago by President George H. W. Bush after the end of the cold war:

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What is the new world order?

Yet that question has dogged the three presidents since 1992 once they became America?s top diplomat and commander-in-chief.

That?s because the often-simple certitudes of past conflicts between nation-states have been overtaken by what Defense Secretary Leon Panneta calls a ?blizzard? of security challenges ? from mass slaughter in Europe or Africa to terrorist attacks on US soil to covert cyber attacks from abroad.

Even Katrina-like hurricanes, Mexican drug cartels, and Somalian pirates are now a prime focus of the Pentagon. So too is the possibility of a foreign ship loaded with weapons sinking in the unfrozen Arctic waters off Alaska or the threat of China to cut off exports of a vital industrial mineral.

It has become difficult to know where is the ?front? in confronting an adversary or even to know what an adversary is. And the distinction between domestic and foreign issues has become blurred. Threats can be networked across the globe by small, nonstate actors. A few unmarked ships, for example, can drop iron dust on a patch of ocean, altering the weather pattern over the United States.

Yet when presidential candidates run today, they want to offer voters even greater certainty in their approach to foreign policy. Why? Simply because today?s world offers a ?blizzard? of challenges and voters seek even more certainty for themselves and their country.

Security planners have tried for years to come up with new concepts for these challenges, such as more preventive action against potential threats. Most concepts have so far had a short shelf-life. And each new president has had to improvise once in office.

Mr. Obama, for example, has adopted many of the policies of his predecessor, such as the use of military tribunals and the active promotion of democratic reform, after criticizing them as a candidate. He has even had to change his own approach, such as his hope early-on of negotiating with Islamic fanatics.


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Governor Releases $91.9 Million for CIPs to Continue Economic ...

Gov. Neil Abercrombie (Photo courtesy of his office)

REPORT FROM THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE ? Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced the release of more than $91.9 million for various Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) across the state selected for their potential to immediately address priority work while stimulating the local economy and generating job opportunities.
?Our strategy to stimulate job creation and reinvigorate our economy is working,? said Governor Neil Abercrombie. ?Since the start of 2012, my administration has released more than $841.8 million for CIPs, including these newly released funds.?

Yesterday, the state Department of Labor and Industrial Relations announced that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Hawai?i has continued to improve, falling to 5.7 percent in September from 6.1 percent in August. The last time Hawai?i had an unemployment rate this low was in December 2008, during the early stages of the recession.

Allotment of funds for the following priority projects, identified by members of the state Legislature, has been approved by the Governor:

? ? ? ? ?$10,000,000 - ADA compliance for various state and federal projects, statewide - Construction to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act for various state and federal public housing projects primarily on Hawai'i Island, Kaua'i, O'ahu; specific projects include Hale Aloha O Puna, Lokahi, Pomaikai, Hui O Hanamaulu, Kalaheo Homes, and Palolo Valley Homes
? ? ? ? ?$5,600,000 - Mayor Wright Homes, O'ahu - Design and construction for additional renovations and improvements, including exterior painting, removal of solar water heater equipment, roof replacement, concrete spalling repairs, abatement of lead-based paint and asbestos, and other projects
? ? ? ? ?$5,000,000 - Palolo Valley Homes, O'ahu - Design and construction for phase 2 of physical improvements at Palolo Valley Homes, which consists of 20 residential buildings (Phase 1 was the full remodeling of 13 of those residential buildings; Phase 2 will renovate the remaining seven, including the complete gutting of the interior space to install new kitchens, bathrooms and windows, and make roadway and parking improvements)
? ? ? ? ?$2,750,000 - Kuhio Park Terrace, O'ahu - Design and construction for roadway and sidewalk repairs
? ? ? ? ?$2,350,000 - Kaahumanu Homes, O'ahu - Design and construction for spall repairs, reroofing, painting, interior renovations, security fencing, and roadway and sidewalk improvements
? ? ? ? ?$2,000,000 - Pomaikai, Hawai'i Island - Design and construction to remodel the facility, including roof replacement, exterior painting and the gutting of the interior space to install new kitchens, baths and windows
? ? ? ? ?$750,000 - Lanakila Homes, Hawai'i Island - Design for renovation of existing buildings at Lanakila Homes, a public housing complex in Hilo that was originally developed in 1962; 62 of the 148 units are boarded up and abandoned, and the project will renovate those 62 units to allow renting to qualifying families
? ? ? ? ?$700,000 - Kalihi Valley Homes, O'ahu - Design for phase IV site and dwelling improvements at Kalihi Valley Homes, which consists of 42 residential buildings and a community center (Phase 1 remodeled 23 of the residential buildings; these funds will finance the design phase to remodel the remaining 19 residential buildings)
? ? ? ? ?$105,000 - Puahala Homes, O'ahu - Design for Phase 1B abatement and modernization of buildings 4, 5 and 6, including interior renovations of the units
? ? ? ? ?$65,000 - Hauiki Homes, O'ahu - Design for site work and roof repairs, including to sidewalk and stairs

? ? ? ? ?$10,000,000 - Various schools, statewide - Design, construction and required works of art as part of various electrical and telecommunications system improvements (e.g., upgrading electrical transformers and panels, telecommunications systems, electrical outlets, and data ports) and related site work at Pahoa Elementary, Pahoa High and Intermediate, Mountain View Elementary, Keonepoko Elementary, Keaau Middle, and Naalehu Elementary Schools
? ? ? ? ?$200,000 - Royal Elementary School, O'ahu - Design to determine whether the school's Building C should be renovated or replaced, in addressing structural issues
? ? ? ? ?$70,000 - Waialua Elementary School, O'ahu - Construction to complete the school's library/media center
? ? ? ? ?$60,000 - Waipahu High School, O'ahu - Upgrades to the electrical system for the school's Buildings H, G and Q to support current and future electrical needs

University of Hawai'i
? ? ? ? ?$12,500,000 - UH Pacific Health Research Laboratory, O'ahu - Design and construction for development of a Pacific Health Research Laboratory in Kalaeloa in West O'ahu
? ? ? ? ?$10,000,000 - Kapi'olani Community College Culinary Institute of the Pacific, O'ahu - Construction at the site of the former U.S. Army Fort Ruger Cannon Club at Diamond Head for Phase I items including a new one-story classroom building, instructional culinary laboratory buildings, support spaces, and outdoor cooking area; the project is needed to expand the college's new certificate and advanced degree culinary arts programs (the complex will be designed to achieve LEED Silver certification)
? ? ? ? ?$500,000 - Hawai?i Community College, Hawai'i Island - Planning as part of a long range development plan for construction of a new campus mauka of Komohana Street in Hilo; HCC currently shares portions of its campus with UH Hilo and has buildings situated at the Manono campus and UH Hilo's main upper campus.
? ? ? ? ?$25,000 - UH at Hilo College of Agriculture, Forest and Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM), Hawai'i Island - Construction for the CAFNRM bee hive research facility; UH Hilo offers the only credited catalogued beekeeping courses within the UH system, with 25 bee hives at the UH Hilo teaching apiary in Panaewa that are used for hands-on beekeeping laboratories; ongoing projects include controlling the small hive beetle and Varroa mite that threaten Hawai'i's beekeeping industry and diversified agricultural economy; ?funds will be used to add a fiberglass greenhouse covering with gutters to the existing apiary to protect it and shield 800 square feet of research hive area from rain, common in Panaewa

? ? ? ? ?$7,486,460 - Honolulu International Airport, O'ahu - Construction of the new Elliott Street Support to provide for a new parking lot (asphalt concrete surface) for employee tenants; improvements will include new asphalt pavement, fencing, area lighting, grading, drainage and connection to existing electrical power
? ? ? ? ?$6,650,000 - Kaumuali'i Highway, Kaua'i - Emergency shoreline repair and protection improvements to restore roadway and shoulders along Kaumuali'i Highway in the vicinity of Kekaha, at M.P. 27, which have been damaged by repeated high surf and wave action?
? ? ? ? ?$6,500,000 - Honolulu Harbor, O'ahu - Overall project will develop a new Kapalama Container Facility to support expanding maritime activities in the harbor, as part of the Harbors Modernization Plan; funds will be used to prepare plans, designs, specifications, and cost estimates to construct a new wharf system for the new facility and the associated filling and dredging
? ? ? ? ?$3,242,000 - Honolulu International Airport, O'ahu - Demolition of the Aloha Cargo administration building and Building #156, required to facilitate construction of other hangar and cargo facilities
? ? ? ? ?$500,000 - Hilo International Airport and Kona International Airport at Keahole, Hawai'i Island - Design for improvements at the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Facility stations and planning for a future Regional ARFF training facility
? ? ? ? ?$250,000 - Statewide Planning and Research (SPR) Program, FY 2012 - Additional plans to fully fund the entire FY 12 SPR program, which is funded using an 80/20 federal-state pro rate formula; this allotment will fulfill the state's 20 percent matching requirement

? ? ? ? ?$2,301,000 - Cultural Public Market, O'ahu - Planning, land acquisition, design and construction for Phase 1 of the Cultural Public Market in Kaka'ako Makai; the market is being developed by the Hawai'i Community Development Authority (HCDA) with the cooperation of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, which owns the land under the project
? ? ? ? ?$1,300,000 - Hawai'i State Civil Defense, statewide - Additional design and construction for the continued repair and replacement of State Civil Defense disaster warning sirens statewide in order to prevent warning system failures in case of an emergency
? ? ? ? ?$750,000 - Hawai'i Livestock Slaughterhouse, O'ahu - Design, construction and equipment to install a photovoltaic system at the state's warehouse building located in the Campbell Industrial Park; the new photovoltaic system will substantially reduce electricity costs at the facility
? ? ? ? ?$193,000 - ICSD Anuenue Radio System, Hawai'i Island- Acquisition and installation of communications equipment and antennas for the digital microwave radio link between the Kaupulehu and Humuula radio sites to correct radio frequency interference?
? ? ? ? ?$122,000 - Manoa Public Library, O'ahu - Additional construction and required works of art for various health and safety items to complete expansion of the Manoa Public Library, which opened on June 9, 2012

###For more information contact: Donalyn Dela Cruz, Deputy Director of Communications, (808) 586-0012

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Legal Theory Blog: Legal Theory Bookworm

The Legal Theory Bookworm recommends two books by G.A. Cohen:

Finding Oneself in the Other. Here is a description:

    This is the second of three volumes of posthumously collected writings of G. A. Cohen, who was one of the leading, and most progressive, figures in contemporary political philosophy. This volume brings together some of Cohen's most personal philosophical and nonphilosophical essays, many of them previously unpublished. Rich in first-person narration, insight, and humor, these pieces vividly demonstrate why Thomas Nagel described Cohen as a "wonderful raconteur." The nonphilosophical highlight of the book is Cohen's remarkable account of his first trip to India, which includes unforgettable vignettes of encounters with strangers and reflections on poverty and begging. Other biographical pieces include his valedictory lecture at Oxford, in which he describes his philosophical development and offers his impressions of other philosophers, and "Isaiah's Marx, and Mine," a tribute to his mentor Isaiah Berlin. Other essays address such topics as the truth in "small-c conservatism," who can and can't condemn terrorists, and the essence of bullshit. A recurring theme is finding completion in relation to the world of other human beings. Engaging, perceptive, and empathetic, these writings reveal a more personal side of one of the most influential philosophers of our time.
And?On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy:
    G. A. Cohen was one of the most gifted, influential, and progressive voices in contemporary political philosophy. At the time of his death in 2009, he had plans to bring together a number of his most significant papers. This is the first of three volumes to realize those plans. Drawing on three decades of work, it contains previously uncollected articles that have shaped many of the central debates in political philosophy, as well as papers published here for the first time. In these pieces, Cohen asks what egalitarians have most reason to equalize, he considers the relationship between freedom and property, and he reflects upon ideal theory and political practice.

    Included here are classic essays such as "Equality of What?" and "Capitalism, Freedom, and the Proletariat," along with more recent contributions such as "Fairness and Legitimacy in Justice," "Freedom and Money," and the previously unpublished "How to Do Political Philosophy." On ample display throughout are the clarity, rigor, conviction, and wit for which Cohen was renowned. Together, these essays demonstrate how his work provides a powerful account of liberty and equality to the left of Ronald Dworkin, John Rawls, Amartya Sen, and Isaiah Berlin.

Cohen was one of the great political philosophers of the late twentieth century.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Amphibious ATV Sets Sail | Engineering On The Edge

Move over flying cars?you?ve just been replaced on my Christmas list by an ATV that turns into a jetski.

I?m talking about the Quadski from Gibbs Sports Amphibians. The vehicle can reach speeds of 45 mph on both land and water, and can transform from one mode to the other in seconds, the company says. It?s bigger than a standard ATV and jetski at around 1,300 lbs., and boasts a 175hp BMW engine and 15-gallon fuel tank. Cost: Around $40,000.

You can read more about the engine and wheel retracting system here.

Gibbs also developed an amphibious car called the Aquada, which Richard Branson used to cross the English Channel in 2004. Unfortunately, regulators in the U.S. put the kibosh on the vehicle?s introduction here because it could not meet safety and emissions standards on both land and water.

Of course, we?re still big fans of the original German Amphicar.

You can see a video of the Quadski in action below:

Source: Jalopnik


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U.N. Security Council plans sanctions on Congo rebels, others

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council intends to impose sanctions on the leaders of the Democratic Republic of Congo's M23 rebels and others violating an arms embargo on the country, according to a statement the council unanimously adopted on Friday.

Rwandan Defense Minister James Kabarebe is commanding the insurgency in eastern Congo that is being armed by Rwanda and Uganda, both of which also sent troops to aid deadly attacks, according to a U.N. experts' confidential report seen by Reuters on Tuesday.

"The Security Council expresses its intention to apply targeted sanctions against the leadership of the M23 and those acting in violation of the sanctions regime and the arms embargo," the 15-member council said in the statement obtained by Reuters.

The council strongly condemned any external support to the M23 rebels, expressed "deep concern at reports indicating that such support continues to be provided to the M23 by neighboring countries" and demanded that it stop immediately.

The Security Council's Group of Experts said in its report that Rwanda and Uganda - despite their strong denials - continued to support M23 rebels in their six-month fight against Congolese government troops.

The Security Council statement on Friday stressed "the urgency of constructive engagement and dialogue between the DRC and its neighbors, especially Rwanda, and the need to address the underlying causes of the conflict in eastern DRC."

The Congolese government on Wednesday demanded targeted sanctions against Rwandan and Ugandan officials named in the U.N. experts' report.

Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo on Thursday dismissed the idea that action should be taken on the basis of a report that she called flawed and untrue. She said the priority was to work out how to pacify the region.

"It's wrong. This report is very problematic so anybody who would want to take action based on that report would be really unfortunate," Mushikiwabo told Reuters in an interview.


Bosco Ntaganda, a former Congolese general wanted by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes, controls the rebellion on the ground, and M23 leader Sultani Makenga is in charge of operations and coordination with allied armed groups, the U.N. report said.

Ntaganda and Makenga "receive direct military orders from RDF (Rwandan army) Chief of Defense staff General Charles Kayonga, who in turn acts on instructions from Minister of Defense General James Kabarebe," it said.

Uganda and Rwanda have denied the accusations of involvement by the U.N. experts, who monitor compliance with sanctions and an arms embargo on the Congo.

They delivered their report to the Security Council's Congo sanctions committee earlier this month.

Nearly half a million people have been displaced due to the fighting. M23 has proven so resilient that one senior U.N. diplomatic source told Reuters that Rwanda has effectively "annexed" mineral-rich eastern Congo thanks to the rebel force.

"The Security Council also condemns the attempts by the M23 to establish a parallel administration and to undermine State authority," it said in Friday's statement.

Rwanda has backed armed movements in the Congo during the past two decades, citing a need to tackle Rwandan rebels operating out of Congo's eastern hills.

The latest rebellion also is being funded by traders in Rwanda who are profiting from tin, tungsten and tantalum smuggled across the border from mines in the eastern DRC, according to the U.N. experts' report.

The accusations have prompted the United States, Sweden and the Netherlands to suspend some aid to Rwanda, which relies on donors for about 40 percent of its budget. Last month the European Union froze further budgetary support to Rwanda.

Mushikiwabo said it was "the biggest mistake" for any countries to withdraw aid over the U.N. report.

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols and Louis Charbonneau; Editing by Xavier Briand)


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Obama mocks rival?s ?Romnesia? on issues

President Barack Obama addresses a campaign rally in Fairfax, Va. (Jason Reed/Reuters)President Barack Obama accused Mitt Romney of trying to win over independent voters by distancing himself from past partisan positions, mockingly describing his GOP rival's "Romnesia"?and saying Obamacare might help.

"He's forgetting what his own positions are, and he's betting that you will, too," Obama told some 9,000 people at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va.

"He's changing up so much and backtracking and sidestepping, we've got to name this condition that he's going through. I think it's called 'Romnesia,'" the president joked.

"Now, I'm not a medical doctor, but I do want to go over some of the symptoms with you?because I want to make sure nobody else catches it," Obama continued. He argued that Romney was dissembling on issues like fighting gender pay disparities, insurance coverage for contraception, and abortion?not coincidentally issues dear to women voters, a key part of the president's winning 2008 coalition.

"If you come down with a case of Romnesia and you can't seem to remember the policies that are still on your website, or the promises you've made over the six years you've been running for president,?here's the good news: Obamacare covers preexisting conditions," Obama said to laughter and applause. "We can fix you up. We've got a cure.?We can make you well, Virginia.This is a curable disease."

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The Romney campaign countered that women have not had much to smile about the last four years.

"Women haven't forgotten how we've suffered over the last four years in the Obama economy," said Barbarac Comstock, a Romney campaign surrogate.

"President Obama has failed to put forward a second-term agenda?and when you don't have a plan to run on, you stoop to scare tactics," she said.


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Aereo opens its streaming TV to Mac and Windows web browsers

Aereo starts streaming TV to Mac and Windows web browsers

If you'd wanted to watch Aereo's unique antenna-to-internet TV streaming until today, you had to tune in from an iOS device or Roku box. That's not a lot of choice for placeshifting, is it? A fresh update to the company's streaming service has widened the choices considerably for New Yorkers to include all the major browsers on Macs and Windows PCs. As long as you're using a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera or Safari, you can catch up on Ion or Telemundo while you're checking email. About the only restrictions left are the continued lack of Android support and occasional lawsuits from traditionalist broadcasters.

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Aereo opens its streaming TV to Mac and Windows web browsers originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 17 Oct 2012 21:40:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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DoubleTwist Adds Facebook & Twitter Sharing, Now Lets Your Friends Listen, Too

device-2012-10-18-123641-576x1024DoubleTwist, the popular desktop and mobile alternative to iTunes, has just launched a social sharing feature which allows its users to post what they're listening to on Facebook or Twitter. Alongside the message text, the post also includes a link that, when clicked, will take visitors to a custom webpage offering an artist bio, news, concert dates, and the corresponding music video.


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Monday, October 15, 2012


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Italy - Rome - Piazza del popolo

Mar. 2012

Many obelisks can be found in Rome. Some were originally made in Egypt and brought to Rome about 2000 years ago. Some others were made in Rome and copied from egyptian ones, or made in Egypt by romans. By visiting Rome, you'll see them at every square. This one, shot at the Piazza del Popolo, was made in Egypt and brought to Rome 10 BC. The lions were added in 1818.

De nombreux ob?lisques peuvent ?tre vus ? Rome. Certains ont ?t? faits en Egypte il y a environ 2000 ans puis amen?s ? Rome. D'autres sont des copies de mod?les ?gyptiens faites ? Rome, ou faites en Egypte par des Romains. En visitant Rome, vous en trouverez ? chaque place. Celui-ci, photographi? ? la Place du peuple, a ?t? fait en Egypte en l'an 10 avant JC. Les lions ont ?t? ajout?es en 1818.


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.en-USCopyright (c) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reservedSat, 13 Oct 2012 15:50:12 -04005Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines Endeavour inches toward retirement home at L.A. museum<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Space Shuttle Endeavour Makes 2-Day Trip Through LA Streets To Its Final Destination" align="left" title="Space Shuttle Endeavour Makes 2-Day Trip Through LA Streets To Its Final Destination" border="0" /></a>At every turn of Endeavour&#039;s stop-and-go commute through urban streets, a constellation of spectators trailed along as the space shuttle ploddingly nosed past stores, schools, churches and front yards.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 15:50:12 -0400Associated Pressshuttle-inches-toward-retirement-home-la-museum-195002257<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Space Shuttle Endeavour Makes 2-Day Trip Through LA Streets To Its Final Destination" align="left" title="Space Shuttle Endeavour Makes 2-Day Trip Through LA Streets To Its Final Destination" border="0" /></a>At every turn of Endeavour&#039;s stop-and-go commute through urban streets, a constellation of spectators trailed along as the space shuttle ploddingly nosed past stores, schools, churches and front yards.</p><br clear="all"/>Romney campaigns in Ohio as Obama preps for debate<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" align="left" title="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" border="0" /></a>Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan went back to school on Saturday to rally college students in all corners of all-important Ohio and hammer at President Barack Obama for going easy on China over unfair trade practices. Obama took precious time off the campaign trail to practice for the next debate against his GOP rival.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 16:19:49 -0400Associated Pressromney-seeks-ohio-votes-obama-preps-debate-194826618--election<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" align="left" title="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" border="0" /></a>Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan went back to school on Saturday to rally college students in all corners of all-important Ohio and hammer at President Barack Obama for going easy on China over unfair trade practices. Obama took precious time off the campaign trail to practice for the next debate against his GOP rival.</p><br clear="all"/>Turkey's prime minister slams Security Council over Syria<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Turkey&#039;s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a forum in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. Turkey?s prime minister sharply criticized the U.N. Security Council on Saturday for its failure to agree on decisive steps to end the 19-month civil war in Syria. (AP Photo)" align="left" title="Turkey&#039;s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a forum in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. Turkey?s prime minister sharply criticized the U.N. Security Council on Saturday for its failure to agree on decisive steps to end the 19-month civil war in Syria. (AP Photo)" border="0" /></a>Turkey&#039;s prime minister sharply criticized the U.N. Security Council on Saturday for its failure to agree on decisive steps to end Syria&#039;s civil war, as NATO ally Germany backed the Turkish interception of a Damascus-bound passenger jet earlier in the week.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 17:30:23 -0400Associated Pressturkish-premier-slams-security-council-over-syria-161243532<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Turkey&#039;s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a forum in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. Turkey?s prime minister sharply criticized the U.N. Security Council on Saturday for its failure to agree on decisive steps to end the 19-month civil war in Syria. (AP Photo)" align="left" title="Turkey&#039;s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a forum in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. Turkey?s prime minister sharply criticized the U.N. Security Council on Saturday for its failure to agree on decisive steps to end the 19-month civil war in Syria. (AP Photo)" border="0" /></a>Turkey&#039;s prime minister sharply criticized the U.N. Security Council on Saturday for its failure to agree on decisive steps to end Syria&#039;s civil war, as NATO ally Germany backed the Turkish interception of a Damascus-bound passenger jet earlier in the week.</p><br clear="all"/>Voter ticket-splitting could determine next Senate<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this Oct. 7, 2012, file photo U.S. Senate candidates for Connecticut, Republican Linda McMahon and Democratic Rep. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., shake hands after a live televised debate in Rocky Hill, Conn. In the lineup of ticket-splitting races to watch, the race between McMahon an Murphy is one of the biggest surprises and promising opportunities for the GOP in the closing weeks of the campaign. Former professional wrestling executive McMahon, in her second Senate bid, is running even with three-term Murphy in the Democratic-leaning state. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File)" align="left" title="FILE - In this Oct. 7, 2012, file photo U.S. Senate candidates for Connecticut, Republican Linda McMahon and Democratic Rep. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., shake hands after a live televised debate in Rocky Hill, Conn. In the lineup of ticket-splitting races to watch, the race between McMahon an Murphy is one of the biggest surprises and promising opportunities for the GOP in the closing weeks of the campaign. Former professional wrestling executive McMahon, in her second Senate bid, is running even with three-term Murphy in the Democratic-leaning state. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File)" border="0" /></a>The close race for majority control of the Senate comes down to whether Republican candidates in Massachusetts and Connecticut can win over President Barack Obama&#039;s voters and Democrats from Indiana to Arizona can impress Mitt Romney&#039;s GOP backers.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 13:13:32 -0400Associated Pressvoter-ticket-splitting-could-determine-next-senate-135746090--election<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this Oct. 7, 2012, file photo U.S. Senate candidates for Connecticut, Republican Linda McMahon and Democratic Rep. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., shake hands after a live televised debate in Rocky Hill, Conn. In the lineup of ticket-splitting races to watch, the race between McMahon an Murphy is one of the biggest surprises and promising opportunities for the GOP in the closing weeks of the campaign. Former professional wrestling executive McMahon, in her second Senate bid, is running even with three-term Murphy in the Democratic-leaning state. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File)" align="left" title="FILE - In this Oct. 7, 2012, file photo U.S. Senate candidates for Connecticut, Republican Linda McMahon and Democratic Rep. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., shake hands after a live televised debate in Rocky Hill, Conn. In the lineup of ticket-splitting races to watch, the race between McMahon an Murphy is one of the biggest surprises and promising opportunities for the GOP in the closing weeks of the campaign. Former professional wrestling executive McMahon, in her second Senate bid, is running even with three-term Murphy in the Democratic-leaning state. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File)" border="0" /></a>The close race for majority control of the Senate comes down to whether Republican candidates in Massachusetts and Connecticut can win over President Barack Obama&#039;s voters and Democrats from Indiana to Arizona can impress Mitt Romney&#039;s GOP backers.</p><br clear="all"/>Clinton lends star power to Democratic candidates<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Former President Bill Clinton, second from left, and former Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, right, pose with Indiana Democratic Senate candidate Joe Donnelly, left, and Indiana Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg, second from right, before Clinton spoke at &quot;Hoosier Common Sense&quot; rally in Indianapolis, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)" align="left" title="Former President Bill Clinton, second from left, and former Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, right, pose with Indiana Democratic Senate candidate Joe Donnelly, left, and Indiana Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg, second from right, before Clinton spoke at &quot;Hoosier Common Sense&quot; rally in Indianapolis, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)" border="0" /></a>Twelve years after leaving the White House, Bill Clinton is campaigning as if he&#039;s in the political race of his life.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 07:12:38 -0400Associated Pressclinton-lends-star-power-democratic-candidates-072053974--election<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Former President Bill Clinton, second from left, and former Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, right, pose with Indiana Democratic Senate candidate Joe Donnelly, left, and Indiana Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg, second from right, before Clinton spoke at &quot;Hoosier Common Sense&quot; rally in Indianapolis, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)" align="left" title="Former President Bill Clinton, second from left, and former Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, right, pose with Indiana Democratic Senate candidate Joe Donnelly, left, and Indiana Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg, second from right, before Clinton spoke at &quot;Hoosier Common Sense&quot; rally in Indianapolis, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)" border="0" /></a>Twelve years after leaving the White House, Bill Clinton is campaigning as if he&#039;s in the political race of his life.</p><br clear="all"/>Shot fired at Obama campaign office in Denver<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Remarking on the vice presidential debate, President Barack Obama tells reporters, &quot;I think Joe Biden did great. I couldn&#039;t be prouder,&quot; as he returns to the White House in Washington after a day of campaign events in Miami, Thursday night, Oct. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)" align="left" title="Remarking on the vice presidential debate, President Barack Obama tells reporters, &quot;I think Joe Biden did great. I couldn&#039;t be prouder,&quot; as he returns to the White House in Washington after a day of campaign events in Miami, Thursday night, Oct. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)" border="0" /></a>Denver police say someone has fired a shot through the window of President Barack Obama&#039;s Denver campaign office.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 16:25:48 -0400Associated Pressshot-fired-obama-campaign-office-denver-013128940<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Remarking on the vice presidential debate, President Barack Obama tells reporters, &quot;I think Joe Biden did great. I couldn&#039;t be prouder,&quot; as he returns to the White House in Washington after a day of campaign events in Miami, Thursday night, Oct. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)" align="left" title="Remarking on the vice presidential debate, President Barack Obama tells reporters, &quot;I think Joe Biden did great. I couldn&#039;t be prouder,&quot; as he returns to the White House in Washington after a day of campaign events in Miami, Thursday night, Oct. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)" border="0" /></a>Denver police say someone has fired a shot through the window of President Barack Obama&#039;s Denver campaign office.</p><br clear="all"/>Romney faults Obama over inaction on China trade<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" align="left" title="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" border="0" /></a>Mitt Romney is attacking the Obama administration for delaying a decision about whether China is manipulating its currency to gain a trading edge.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 14:32:56 -0400Associated Pressromney-faults-obama-over-inaction-china-trade-182831505--election<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" align="left" title="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" border="0" /></a>Mitt Romney is attacking the Obama administration for delaying a decision about whether China is manipulating its currency to gain a trading edge.</p><br clear="all"/>Bruce Springsteen will campaign for Obama in Ohio, Iowa<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this Nov. 2, 2008, file photo Bruce Springsteen hugs presidential candidate Barack Obama during a performance at an outdoor campaign rally at the Cleveland Mall, in Cleveland, Ohio. Springsteen is hitting the campaign trail again on President Barack Obama&#039;s behalf, and he&#039;ll be joined this time by former President Bill Clinton at a rally in Parma, Ohio, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)" align="left" title="FILE - In this Nov. 2, 2008, file photo Bruce Springsteen hugs presidential candidate Barack Obama during a performance at an outdoor campaign rally at the Cleveland Mall, in Cleveland, Ohio. Springsteen is hitting the campaign trail again on President Barack Obama&#039;s behalf, and he&#039;ll be joined this time by former President Bill Clinton at a rally in Parma, Ohio, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)" border="0" /></a>Bruce Springsteen will be back campaigning for President Barack Obama.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 15:19:25 -0400Associated Pressboss-campaign-obama-ohio-iowa-191925632<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this Nov. 2, 2008, file photo Bruce Springsteen hugs presidential candidate Barack Obama during a performance at an outdoor campaign rally at the Cleveland Mall, in Cleveland, Ohio. Springsteen is hitting the campaign trail again on President Barack Obama&#039;s behalf, and he&#039;ll be joined this time by former President Bill Clinton at a rally in Parma, Ohio, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)" align="left" title="FILE - In this Nov. 2, 2008, file photo Bruce Springsteen hugs presidential candidate Barack Obama during a performance at an outdoor campaign rally at the Cleveland Mall, in Cleveland, Ohio. Springsteen is hitting the campaign trail again on President Barack Obama&#039;s behalf, and he&#039;ll be joined this time by former President Bill Clinton at a rally in Parma, Ohio, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)" border="0" /></a>Bruce Springsteen will be back campaigning for President Barack Obama.</p><br clear="all"/>Authorities: Body is that of missing Colorado girl<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Police identify body of 10-year-old Colorado girl" align="left" title="Police identify body of 10-year-old Colorado girl" border="0" /></a>The weeklong search for a 10-year-old Colorado girl became a murder investigation after authorities identified a body found in a suburban Denver park as that of fifth-grader Jessica Ridgeway.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 05:54:48 -0400Associated Pressauthorities-body-missing-colo-girl-223952455<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Police identify body of 10-year-old Colorado girl" align="left" title="Police identify body of 10-year-old Colorado girl" border="0" /></a>The weeklong search for a 10-year-old Colorado girl became a murder investigation after authorities identified a body found in a suburban Denver park as that of fifth-grader Jessica Ridgeway.</p><br clear="all"/>CDC reports new death in meningitis outbreak(Reuters) - Another person has died from fungal meningitis linked to possibly tainted vials of a steroid medication, bringing the death toll in an unprecedented outbreak to 15, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Saturday. The new victim was in Indiana, which now has reported two deaths from the rare form of meningitis. The number of people stricken with meningitis in the outbreak reached 197 on Saturday, up 13 from Friday. In addition, there is one case of an infection after an injection in an ankle that has not been confirmed as meningitis, the CDC said. ..., 13 Oct 2012 14:31:53 -0400Reuterscdc-says-one-death-meningitis-number-cases-197-183153356Paul Ryan looks for votes in key state of Ohio<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and his wife Janna wash pots at St. Vincent DePaul dinning hall, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012 in Youngstown, Ohio. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)" align="left" title="Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and his wife Janna wash pots at St. Vincent DePaul dinning hall, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012 in Youngstown, Ohio. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)" border="0" /></a>Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is in Ohio trying to rally blue-collar votes for the Romney ticket.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 13:29:53 -0400Associated Pressryan-seeking-young-blue-collar-voters-ohio-171335696--election<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and his wife Janna wash pots at St. Vincent DePaul dinning hall, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012 in Youngstown, Ohio. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)" align="left" title="Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and his wife Janna wash pots at St. Vincent DePaul dinning hall, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012 in Youngstown, Ohio. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)" border="0" /></a>Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is in Ohio trying to rally blue-collar votes for the Romney ticket.</p><br clear="all"/>Obama touts benefits of auto bailout as debate looms<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign rally at the Henry Maier Festival in Milwaukee" align="left" title="U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign rally at the Henry Maier Festival in Milwaukee" border="0" /></a>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama sought on Saturday to sustain momentum from Vice President Joe Biden&#039;s strong debate showing by touting the benefits of one of his signature actions, the rescue of the U.S. auto industry, as he prepared for his next debate with Republican Mitt Romney. &quot;We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt,&quot; Obama said in his weekly radio address. &quot;We bet on American workers and American ingenuity, and three years later, that bet is paying off in a big way.&quot; The president will drop from view for several days to prepare for his second debate with Romney on Tuesday. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 12:43:26 -0400Reutersobama-touts-benefits-auto-bailout-debate-looms-100328916--sector<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign rally at the Henry Maier Festival in Milwaukee" align="left" title="U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign rally at the Henry Maier Festival in Milwaukee" border="0" /></a>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama sought on Saturday to sustain momentum from Vice President Joe Biden&#039;s strong debate showing by touting the benefits of one of his signature actions, the rescue of the U.S. auto industry, as he prepared for his next debate with Republican Mitt Romney. &quot;We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt,&quot; Obama said in his weekly radio address. &quot;We bet on American workers and American ingenuity, and three years later, that bet is paying off in a big way.&quot; The president will drop from view for several days to prepare for his second debate with Romney on Tuesday. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Israeli air strike kills one Palestinian in GazaGAZA (Reuters) - An Israeli air strike killed one Palestinian militant and critically wounded another riding a motorcycle in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, Palestinian medics and the Israeli military said. A statement from the Israeli military said the two men targeted were "terror operatives of the Hashora Council of the Mujahideen, a Gaza-based Global Jihad affiliate. ..., 13 Oct 2012 15:28:31 -0400Reutersisraeli-air-strike-kills-one-palestinian-gaza-192831720Chance of tornadoes as system crosses Midwest(Reuters) - A severe storm system expected to cross the Midwestern United States on Saturday may bring hail, isolated tornadoes, damaging winds and heavy rain, meteorologists said. The storm system is projected to dump rain from Chicago to Oklahoma City during the day, according to Weather Channel meteorologist Jon Erdman. But as the sun sets, that cold front is expected to intensify as it moves east and meets with unseasonably warm and humid air, Erdman said. ..., 13 Oct 2012 10:53:09 -0400Reuterschance-tornadoes-saturday-u-midwest-145309353Actor, TV host Gary Collins dies at 74Gary Collins, an actor, television show host and former master of ceremonies for the Miss America Pageant, died Saturday, authorities said. He was 74., 13 Oct 2012 15:20:05 -0400Associated Pressactor-tv-host-gary-collins-dies-74-miss-180634002Attacks in Afghanistan kill at least nine<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Afghan National Police officers waiting for new recruits at the Police registration office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. International observers worry that the Afghan police will not be able to maintain security after NATO and US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)" align="left" title="Afghan National Police officers waiting for new recruits at the Police registration office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. International observers worry that the Afghan police will not be able to maintain security after NATO and US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)" border="0" /></a>A suicide bomber on a motorbike blew himself up at a local intelligence office in southern Afghanistan, in the deadliest of three attacks that left at least nine people dead on Saturday, officials said.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 16:36:59 -0400Associated Pressblasts-southern-afghanistan-kill-9-203659402<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Afghan National Police officers waiting for new recruits at the Police registration office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. International observers worry that the Afghan police will not be able to maintain security after NATO and US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)" align="left" title="Afghan National Police officers waiting for new recruits at the Police registration office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. International observers worry that the Afghan police will not be able to maintain security after NATO and US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)" border="0" /></a>A suicide bomber on a motorbike blew himself up at a local intelligence office in southern Afghanistan, in the deadliest of three attacks that left at least nine people dead on Saturday, officials said.</p><br clear="all"/>22 saved from sinking boat in San Francisco Bay<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="This image provided by KTVU-TV shows some of the 22 rescued passengers on the pier Friday Oct.12, 2012 in San Francisco. A U.S. Coast Guard spokesman said the wine-tasting boat, Neptune hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and began sinking. Nearly two dozen people who were enjoying a boat ride on what&#039;s billed as San Francisco Bay&#039;s only &quot;floating wine tasting room&quot; are OK after their vessel hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and started sinking Friday night. U.S. Coast Guard spokesman Lt. j.g. Josh Dykman says the 45-foot Neptune hit the shoal around 8:42 p.m. and started taking on water after the impact left a 1-foot gash in the side of the boat. The boat&#039;s captain tried to get it back to Pier 39, where the boat is docked, but the captain had difficulty navigating the vessel and it started sinking. Dykman says three Coast Guard boats took all 22 passengers and crewmembers off the vessel and brought them back to the pier. There were no injuries.(AP Photo/KTVU-TV)" align="left" title="This image provided by KTVU-TV shows some of the 22 rescued passengers on the pier Friday Oct.12, 2012 in San Francisco. A U.S. Coast Guard spokesman said the wine-tasting boat, Neptune hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and began sinking. Nearly two dozen people who were enjoying a boat ride on what&#039;s billed as San Francisco Bay&#039;s only &quot;floating wine tasting room&quot; are OK after their vessel hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and started sinking Friday night. U.S. Coast Guard spokesman Lt. j.g. Josh Dykman says the 45-foot Neptune hit the shoal around 8:42 p.m. and started taking on water after the impact left a 1-foot gash in the side of the boat. The boat&#039;s captain tried to get it back to Pier 39, where the boat is docked, but the captain had difficulty navigating the vessel and it started sinking. Dykman says three Coast Guard boats took all 22 passengers and crewmembers off the vessel and brought them back to the pier. There were no injuries.(AP Photo/KTVU-TV)" border="0" /></a>Nearly two dozen people who were enjoying a bachelor party on what&#039;s billed as San Francisco Bay&#039;s only &quot;floating wine tasting room&quot; are OK after their boat hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and began sinking Friday night, officials said.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 16:02:25 -0400Associated Press22-saved-sinking-boat-san-francisco-bay-171950664<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="This image provided by KTVU-TV shows some of the 22 rescued passengers on the pier Friday Oct.12, 2012 in San Francisco. A U.S. Coast Guard spokesman said the wine-tasting boat, Neptune hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and began sinking. Nearly two dozen people who were enjoying a boat ride on what&#039;s billed as San Francisco Bay&#039;s only &quot;floating wine tasting room&quot; are OK after their vessel hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and started sinking Friday night. U.S. Coast Guard spokesman Lt. j.g. Josh Dykman says the 45-foot Neptune hit the shoal around 8:42 p.m. and started taking on water after the impact left a 1-foot gash in the side of the boat. The boat&#039;s captain tried to get it back to Pier 39, where the boat is docked, but the captain had difficulty navigating the vessel and it started sinking. Dykman says three Coast Guard boats took all 22 passengers and crewmembers off the vessel and brought them back to the pier. There were no injuries.(AP Photo/KTVU-TV)" align="left" title="This image provided by KTVU-TV shows some of the 22 rescued passengers on the pier Friday Oct.12, 2012 in San Francisco. A U.S. Coast Guard spokesman said the wine-tasting boat, Neptune hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and began sinking. Nearly two dozen people who were enjoying a boat ride on what&#039;s billed as San Francisco Bay&#039;s only &quot;floating wine tasting room&quot; are OK after their vessel hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and started sinking Friday night. U.S. Coast Guard spokesman Lt. j.g. Josh Dykman says the 45-foot Neptune hit the shoal around 8:42 p.m. and started taking on water after the impact left a 1-foot gash in the side of the boat. The boat&#039;s captain tried to get it back to Pier 39, where the boat is docked, but the captain had difficulty navigating the vessel and it started sinking. Dykman says three Coast Guard boats took all 22 passengers and crewmembers off the vessel and brought them back to the pier. There were no injuries.(AP Photo/KTVU-TV)" border="0" /></a>Nearly two dozen people who were enjoying a bachelor party on what&#039;s billed as San Francisco Bay&#039;s only &quot;floating wine tasting room&quot; are OK after their boat hit a shoal near Alcatraz Island and began sinking Friday night, officials said.</p><br clear="all"/>Impact of Romney, Obama tax ideas tough to figure<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., campaign in Lancaster, Ohio, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" align="left" title="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., campaign in Lancaster, Ohio, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" border="0" /></a>Good luck figuring out whether Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would cut or raise your taxes if he&#039;s elected president. President Barack Obama promises tax reform, too, but precious little detail.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 03:36:47 -0400Associated Pressimpact-romney-obama-tax-ideas-tough-figure-234325776--election<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., campaign in Lancaster, Ohio, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" align="left" title="Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., campaign in Lancaster, Ohio, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)" border="0" /></a>Good luck figuring out whether Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would cut or raise your taxes if he&#039;s elected president. President Barack Obama promises tax reform, too, but precious little detail.</p><br clear="all"/>Report: Iran says ready for nuclear flexibilityIran's foreign ministry spokesman says his country is ready to show flexibility at nuclear talks to ease Western concerns over Tehran's contentious nuclear program., 13 Oct 2012 10:46:44 -0400Associated Pressreport-iran-says-ready-nuclear-flexibility-144644149Farm bill failure gives Dems ammunition in House racesRINGSTED, Iowa (Reuters) - Democrats fighting an uphill battle to win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives are trying to use rural angst over the failure of congressional Republicans to pass a farm bill to win some Midwestern seats in the November 6 election. The farm bill, which sets subsidies for everything from crop insurance to milk production, expired on October 1 after the Republican majority in the House could not muster enough votes to pass a new law. ..., 13 Oct 2012 15:32:33 -0400Reutersfarm-bill-failure-gives-democrats-ammunition-midwest-house-185414871Tropical Storm Rafael dumps rain in eastern CaribbeanTropical Storm Rafael lashed the eastern Caribbean Saturday with heavy rains that are expected to unleash floods on islands around the region., 13 Oct 2012 14:18:15 -0400Associated Presstropical-storm-rafael-dumps-rain-east-caribbean-150130633Car bomb kills at least 17 in Pakistan<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A Pakistani youth sits amid the rubble of offices destroyed in a car bomb explosion in the Pakistani town of Darra Adam Khel in the troubled Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province bordering Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. A powerful car bomb went off outside the offices of pro-government tribal elders in northwestern Pakistan on Saturday, killing several people, police said. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)" align="left" title="A Pakistani youth sits amid the rubble of offices destroyed in a car bomb explosion in the Pakistani town of Darra Adam Khel in the troubled Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province bordering Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. A powerful car bomb went off outside the offices of pro-government tribal elders in northwestern Pakistan on Saturday, killing several people, police said. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)" border="0" /></a>A car bomb tore through a crowded bazaar outside an office for anti-Taliban tribal elders Saturday in northwestern Pakistan, killing at least 17 people, officials said.</p><br clear="all"/>, 13 Oct 2012 11:58:08 -0400Associated Presscar-bomb-kills-17-people-northwestern-pakistan-124029010<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A Pakistani youth sits amid the rubble of offices destroyed in a car bomb explosion in the Pakistani town of Darra Adam Khel in the troubled Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province bordering Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. A powerful car bomb went off outside the offices of pro-government tribal elders in northwestern Pakistan on Saturday, killing several people, police said. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)" align="left" title="A Pakistani youth sits amid the rubble of offices destroyed in a car bomb explosion in the Pakistani town of Darra Adam Khel in the troubled Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province bordering Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. A powerful car bomb went off outside the offices of pro-government tribal elders in northwestern Pakistan on Saturday, killing several people, police said. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)" border="0" /></a>A car bomb tore through a crowded bazaar outside an office for anti-Taliban tribal elders Saturday in northwestern Pakistan, killing at least 17 people, officials said.</p><br clear="all"/>Missile gets makeover on 50th anniversary of Cuban crisisMIAMI (Reuters) - In October 1962, as fears of mushroom clouds and radioactive fallout gripped the United States in the midst of the Cuban missile crisis, a battery of anti-ballistic missiles near Miami stood as the nation's first line of defense against nuclear attack. Half a century later the missile base is still there, in the middle of the marshy Everglades, but the missiles are long gone. ..., 13 Oct 2012 07:03:31 -0400Reutersmissile-gets-makeover-50th-anniversary-cuban-crisis-110331855


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