It was around mid-afternoon in the empty village, a village that was, like it's namesake, devoid of any inhabitants for over 100 years. For all things considered the village was in good shape and offered no explanation as to why everybody living there suddenly left. Alyssa was intrigued by the mystery and had been exploring for the better part of the day, finding an old ruin beneath the village that was just as empty, even of treasure. While nothing was accomplished, she did have a fun time and wasn't in a bad mood. Instead she used her remaining time until dinner doing light exercise and a stretching routine inside a dojo. Her body moved more gracefully and powerfully then a normal human with minimal exertion on herself in the process. She was dressed simply in a white midriff top and light brown pants that extended halfway down her calves. A pair of boots, a brown jacket, and a belt with vials was discarded near a corner. She was forced to wear shoes to cover up a special birthmark on the bottom of her left foot, but now that her secret was out in the open she would taken them off every chance she got. During her exploration she needed all the extra items of clothing, but at the moment she just wanted some time to relax, and this routine of hers hit the spot.
After another series of stretches she scooped up a weapon was resting next to her; a blunt silver rod attached to a red handle and a golden hand guard in the shape of a square. Small openings were placed along the fancy designs of the rod, and inside was the hint of glittering red. After a few practice swings she will have finished her routine and would be going back to her home for some more series training with Diamond, a women with similar powers to her own, yet on a whole different level.
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