Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 2011 Android Central Awards Editors' Picks

2011 Android Central Awards

2011 brought an avalanche of hardware running Android -- some if it good, some of it not so good.  We try to love everything Android-related around these parts (really, we do), but some things just stand out more than others.  We asked you guys what your picks were in all the categories, but of course we had to chime in ourselves here.  We've fondled just about every Android device out there, and after a bit of discussion amongst ourselves, we've decided on just what ones rise to the top.

Remember -- our choices don't have to mimic yours.  That's the great thing about Android, there is a ton of choice for just about any taste.  Anyhoo, see our winners (and losers) after the break.

And coming up on Thursday -- the Readers' Choice Awards!

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