Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Was GM Marketing Exec Forced Out Over ... - Business Insider

General Motors' chief global marketing officer Joel Ewanick resigned from the company Sunday after striking a questionable "European soccer-sponsorship deal," according to the Wall Street Journal.

That deal is almost certainly Chevrolet's sponsorship of Manchester United, which Business Insider opined back in June was "a waste of money."

UPDATE: By amazing coincidence, Manchester United announced today that Chevrolet will replace Aon as its shirtfront sponsor in the 2014/15 season. The GM exec quoted in the official statement is Alan Batey, North America vp/U.S. sales, NOT Ewanick, even though Ewanick was working on the deal in June.

EARLIER: It was the second controversial deal under Ewanick. The other one involved a belatedly disclosed payment to a marketing agency at which the CFO's wife worked.

Ewanick's departure comes after a tumultuous reign at the company. He won praise for trying to rationalize GM's $5 billion global ad spend by consolidating creative and media buying duties on its ad account at fewer agencies; a move he predicted would shave $2 billion in expenditures.

More controversially, he pulled $10 million in ad spending from Facebook right before its IPO and removed his brands from next year's Super Bowl. Those acts generated a lot of heat in the media, although in private ad execs frequently confess that advertising in either venue is often a waste of money.

Ewanick's exit comes with a bunch of tantalizing mysteries. Neither Ewanick nor GM explained the move in detail. The WSJ reported:

GM told Mr. Ewanick that he was being removed for failing to properly vet the financial details of a European soccer-sponsorship deal that he struck recently, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Detroit Free Press suggested he was forced out:

"I can tell you that he failed to meet the expectations the company has for its employees," said GM spokesman Greg Martin.

Ewanick tweeted (!) a non-statement:

?It has been a privilege & honor to work with the GM Team and to be a small part of Detroit?s turnaround,? Ewanick said in a post on Twitter. ?I wish everyone at GM all the best.?

It is the Man U deal, however, around which swirls the most questions.*

It is not known how much the Man U deal is worth.* The previous deal with Aon was worth ?20 million ($31.4 million) a year, so GM's is likely more than that. At the time, Ewanick appeared to have made the pact in haste. He said:

When Manchester United played against Manchester City, "that audience around the world scaled to 600 million people," Mr. Edwards said. "Compare that to the Super Bowl here in the States, which is roughly 110, 115 million, and you're talking five times that audience watching one regular-season game. It's significant."

Um, really? Six hundred million people watching the Manchester derby? It's was a great, great game this year, no doubt?it decided the English Premier League title in City's favor?but it's doubtful that many people watched the game.

A "650 million" number was reported in the New York Times at the time, without any sourcing behind it. Elsewhere in the media, reports describe an audience of 600 million, but almost all of those reports did not name a source for that audience rating.

Notably, the Times didn't say 650 million watched the game, just that it would be broadcast to 650 million homes. The Times did not specifically say how many actually tuned in?and nor did anyone else. (The Champions League final only generates 100 million or so viewers, for instance.)

Manchester United says it has 659 million followers around the globe, which is not the same as the number of viewers who watch a match.

In other words, could it be the case that Ewanick agreed to the deal thinking it would generate a much larger audience than it actually does, thus triggering his downfall?

The second possibility was the Mother New York fiasco. The agency made a series of videos for GM that few people watched, and was paid $600,000. Mother partner/COO Pernilla Ammann is the wife of CFO Dan Ammann. GM eventually disclosed to the SEC that "not all the required procedures were followed" when the $600,000 was paid.

Neither move looked good.

*Correction: This item, originally written before the new shirtfront deal was known about, previously suggested the deal might not have been for the shirtfront. The story has been updated to reflect the new announcement.


Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/was-gm-marketing-exec-forced-out-over-manchester-united-deal-2012-7

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There's Something About...: ...the Pinoy talent


Ralph Guggenheim notes the huge potential in the Philippine Creative Services sector (File Photo)

?MANILA, Philippines - Marking the maiden staging of the Film, Animation and Gaming Congress of the Department of Tourism on July 26 and 27 was the participation of acclaimed international film and animation professionals, among them Nickelodeon?s Eli Noyes, Cartoon Network Online creator Doug Barry and Pixar co-founder Ralph Guggenheim.
Guggenheim, who has served as the Vice President of Feature Animation for Pixar Studios and as lead producer for the 1997 animated hit ?Toy Story,? and who has been executive producer for Electronic Arts, now runs Alligator Planet LLC. His current company is involved in projects that put him in business with various offshore production studios. While he is yet to work with a Filipino studio, he does know our rich history in the creative field.

?Philippines has a long history of animation that I know goes back at least? it?s 20 years that I?ve been involved in this sort of thing and I know that it goes further than that,? Guggenheim tells Bulletin Entertainment on the last day of the Congress. ?And there?s a number of great studios that are here and a number of great young artists whose work we?ve seen over the last few days [that we?ve been in the country]. So we think there?s huge potential here.?

The Congress, with the theme ?Made in the Philippines: From Storytelling to Storyselling,? coincided with the Cinemalaya Film Festival. It aimed to help filmmakers (producers/directors), original content creators, and various other people in Philippine Creative Industries to identify issues and challenges that face them, as well as the various opportunities open to them.

It had also planted the seed in the development of a globally competitive Creative Services in the country. In fact, according to a DTI press release, the Creative Services sector reported revenues in 2011 of about US$142 million for animation and US$7 million for game development. It employs almost 10,000 creative workers and support workers as well.

Of bigger and perhaps more worldwide opportunities for local artists, Guggenheim notes, ?All of the studios that I know have started because a few artists came together and built something and it became larger and larger and they did better and better work as time went on. They weren?t all experts when they started but their expertise grew and their knowledge grew as they worked together. And it?s an industry where young talent is always appreciated and always desired, so there?s no question that this could happen.?

Perhaps his visit would become beneficial to both him and our local artists. ??We always do a lot of projects with overseas companies and we?re always looking for a new, young talent and companies that are capable of creating stuff and that can work together with us in ah? projects. So yeah, we are always in search for that and we think the Philippines will be a great place to work.?

Guggenheim and some fellow speakers planned to wrap up their second day of the Congress on the 27th by staying a few more hours at the CCP. ?I will see my first film at Cinemalaya this afternoon. We?ve been busy with the conference,? he smiles. ?We love independent films and I?ve heard Cinemalaya has great filmmakers and great films so I?m ready to relax and enjoy some films.?

As advice to young creators, Guggenheim closes the interview by offering, ?I was once so young [boy] who had an interest in animation, got together with some people I knew and liked, and things grew and changed and our company became successful. But we didn?t start with anything more than a dream and an idea of what we wanted to do.?

Indeed, big dreams come true not just in the make-believe world of movies and animation but, as Guggenheim proves, also in real life.

Source: http://somethingaboutnews.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-pinoy-talent.html

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SA_info: Bioprospecting permits open up huge opportunities for Komaggas community in South Africa's Northern Cape province. http://t.co/Cjws1WQi

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Source: http://twitter.com/SA_info/statuses/229933336209018880

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Avira Antivir Personal Edition is becoming more and more popular and is being recommended by either corporate or home users. This is because aside from being absolutely free for download and personal use, Avira Antivir is also powerful and functional enough to go toe to toe with expensive commercial PC Security suites. Avira is also fast and easy to install; when it comes to installing the program, the computer does not need to be restarted and you do not need to put in so much personal information.

The main features of the Avira AntiVir Personal Edition are listed below in brief:

1. Real-time protection: This means that when there is an incoming threat the program will immediately deal with it and notify you about it. Upon notification, you will have the option to block, quarantine or even allow the process. You an also configure Avira to make the choice automatically for you. The software effectively guards the computer against computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses.

2. On-demand Scanner: It lets you scan a file before opening it especially when it comes to compressed files. All you need to do is right-click on the file then choose the option to scan the file. This is very effective against hidden Trojans or viruses that are put inside compressed archives and set to run upon extraction.

3. Auto-Updater: This feature will immediately check for updates applicable to the software using a predetermined schedule. It will also notify the user about the new updates. The updates help in protecting the computer from newly discovered threats. It has been said that there are several updates for VDF files in a day to make sure that the application detects all possible threats at the soonest possible time.

4. Quarantine for detected viruses and malicious files: If there are viruses or malicious files that were not removed or cleaned it will be placed in a quarantine area. If there are already updates that will allow Avira to heal or clean the file then it will perform the necessary removal or cleaning. Quarantined files are also recorded into the database to help gather more information about unknown threats, which allow Avira to safeguard against them in the future.

5. Scheduler: The user can set the time when the software will perform the scan automatically. This is very helpful for people who leave the computer on all the time and have no time to manually perform a system scan regularly

6. Email Scanner: The software will be able to scan opened emails and emails attachments, which is one of the main avenues for Trojan, virus and spyware infections. You don't have to worry about receiving attachments anymore because Avira will protect you from malware masquerading as zipfiles, scripts and even executables.

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Source: http://www.computechsys.com/freeware-antivirus-software

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Parents can increase children's activity by increasing their own

ScienceDaily (July 30, 2012) ? Parents concerned about their children's slothful ways can do something about it, according to research at National Jewish Health. They can increase their own activity. In the July 2012 issue of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Kristen Holm, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine at National Jewish Health, and her colleagues report that, when parents increase their daily activity, as measured by a pedometer, their children increase theirs as well.

"It has long been known that parent and child activity levels are correlated," said Dr. Holm. "This is the first intervention-based study to prospectively demonstrate that when parents increase their activity, children increase theirs as well. The effect was more pronounced on weekends."

In the study, 83 families were enrolled in a family-based intervention designed to prevent excess weight gain among overweight and obese children ages 7 to 14. Parents and children participated in a program based on the small-changes approach promoted by the America on the Move initiative. Children and parents were encouraged to increase their physical activity by walking an additional 2,000 steps per day. Mothers in all 83 families participated in the program, while only 34 fathers participated.

On days that mothers reached or exceeded their 2000-step goal, children took an average of 2,117 additional steps, compared to 1,175 additional steps when mothers did not reach their goal. Father-child activity showed a similar pattern. Overall, for each 1,000 additional steps a mother took, the child took 196 additional steps.

The effect of parental activity was most pronounced on Saturdays and Sundays. The researchers speculate that this increased effect may occur because parents and children exercised together more frequently on weekends, and that weekends may be a particularly effective time for parents to foster additional activity by their children.

The effect was relatively short-lived. A parent's current day's activity had the most effect, while the previous day and week had an attenuated effect. Parents' baseline activity did not predict a child's change in activity, although a child's baseline activity did; children who were less active at baseline took more additional steps than did more active children.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by National Jewish Health.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Kristen Holm, Holly Wyatt, James Murphy, James Hill, and Lorraine Odgen. Parental Influence on Child Change in Physical Activity During a Family-Based Intervention for Child Weight Gain Prevention. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2012, 9, 661 %u2013 669 [link]

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/5z_2XSpZ-ms/120730170343.htm

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Web Hosting Fundamentals: What You Can Do And How To Practice It

When you have a website, you must have an online host. You might not know excessive about internet hosting, however you would thrive to find out as much as you are able to about it, considering that it could be a huge component of whether or not folks can make use of your blog.

This article has some great tips for picking a very good hosting company.

If funds are restricted or even your internet site has not yet started to income yet, you can go with a totally free internet hosting website. Whilst they might not be by far the most suitable website hosts, and might not provide the level of possibilities you would like, free of charge hosts are a good place to start when starting up a brand new web site.

Tend not to be deterred from utilizing a web hosting service that uses customer care agencies within an overseas nation. Although it could be tough to comprehend different decorations occasionally, recognize that numerous countries around the world invest extraordinary amounts of energy and time for making their inhabitants technically exceptional. This is certainly notably correct of India, which is the reason a lot of companies utilize well-informed technology solutions international.

Select a reliable and trustworthy variety. Some hosts hosts in question websites your I.P. address will likely be related to. This implies your web site could be suspended in certain countries around the world or by a number of customers due to content present around the host you discuss. An effective variety should be selective about the type of buyer they already have.

Look for a hold which offers customers a great deal of online room, particularly if have got a blog or an internet site that you are continually incorporating information to. Each time you publish something new for your site, it requires up several of your internet place. If you have constrained internet place, you will only be able to article a restricted quantity of info.

Look at all of your needs well before signing up with an online web hosting service business, to obtain your greatest value and steer clear of needless charges. Determine how significantly data transfer rate and storage you will need initial, as an example and whether your website will probably be enjoyable. Many of these facts are important in factoring who your internet number needs to be and the way very much you must pay for it.

The Retail Price point is not really an indicator of good quality inside a web host. The range of possibilities that are available from most internet hosts is pretty wide, not to mention the attempts to showcase an enterprise or compete available in the market. You will notice a lot fluctuation in selling price that one could in no way determine the ideal number effortlessly. Check out the variety, not the price.

As you now know, an excellent way of getting a product acknowledged is by using website hosting. When you know the way to effectively use website hosting, the possibilities are limitless.

Even though it shouldn?t should be mentioned reading that complete write-up, but choosing a hosting prepare depending on its price alone is rarely advisable. A lot of companies offer you alternatives throughout the array and the ones which you pick, could indicate the lifespan or passing away of the enterprise.

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Source: http://blog.1stfind.com/?p=306023&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=web-hosting-fundamentals-what-you-can-do-and-how-to-practice-it

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Love Your Lair: You Must Try These Home Improvement Tips ...

When it is time for major home improvement renovations, look into ?age-in-place? measures you can apply to your home. Age-in-place refers to a design philosophy that accounts for the inevitable aging of homeowners over the span of their ownership. Whether you are renovating a house you intend to keep forever or a home you plan on selling, age-in-place additions can increase the comfort and value of your home.

Keeping your house in perfect condition, some annual home improvements should be maintained. Check your foundation all around your house. Any cracks can be an indicator of serious shifting or settling of your structure. This problem needs to be corrected immediately to stop any permanent damage to your home.

Don?t ignore small rust and mold problems. These are common in many older homes, and can quickly become widespread, large problems. Tackling them when they are small is quick and easy. Waiting until they?re big problems can be costly and time intensive. A little bleach works wonders on small mold problems. Small rust problems can often be sanded away.

Buying fancy decorative pillows can be expensive and occasionally they may not all match. A great way to get around this problem is by buying some fabric and sewing your own pillow cases or pillow coverings. If you choose to make your own pillows, sew the outside of the case and then use stuffing from your old and unwanted pillows to fill the new ones.

If the snow on your roof melts very quickly, double check the insulation in your attic. Snow shouldn?t melt at all on a roof as long as the attic is keeping the heat in your house and the cold outside. Replacing the insulation will also decrease your heating bills as your heat is no longer being used to warm up the attic as well.

A great way to add value to your home is to add a sun room to the back of your house. Any time you add square footage to your home, you are increasing its value. Additionally, a sun room looks great, giving your home more appeal to a buyer.

To remove nicks or scratches from kitchen cabinets, recondition the wood with oil, and then install new handles or knobs. Another option is to replace just the doors or door fronts. This is a little work but far cheaper than completely re-facing your cabinets, and your kitchen will get a brand new look.

If one has a large backyard at their home they should think about planting some berry bushes in their yard as a way to improve their home. The bushes can not only provide tasty berries for one to eat but they can also serve as decorations depending on how one arranges them.

For a temporary and inexpensive way to childproof the edges of fireplaces, tables, and other objects, try using foam pipe insulation sleeves, which are pre-slit sleeves of cushy styrofoam. You can cover the sleeves with tablecloths or throws to disguise the do-it-yourself bumpers until your child no longer needs them.

Before rolling paint onto walls or ceilings, cut in the edges with a brush. Tape off trim, moldings, windows, ceiling edges and fixtures. By painting the few inches closest to the edges using a brush, you do not have to roll right up to these obstacles which may prove too cumbersome with a full-sized paint roller.

Not just the kitchen will need updating. The next thing that a customer looks at when buying a house is the bathroom. You should make sure the bathroom is updated and clean. If interest rates are lower than what they were when you closed on your mortgage you could save money by refinancing.

With the housing market still being so depressed, it can seem like a waste of money to even do any remodeling on your home. But the truth of the matter is that buyers are still expecting a certain level of updates in the homes that they purchase. Following these tips will ensure that you have what buyers want.

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Source: http://answers.apostoliccm.com/2012/07/love-your-lair-you-must-try-these-home-improvement-tips/

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Animal Collective - Today?s Supernatural Lyrics

Something you should know about Today?s Supernatural Lyrics:

Artist: Animal Collective Lyrics
Visitors: 306 users have visited it this week.
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?Today?s Supernatural,? first single from Animal Collective?s upcoming album Centipede Hz.

It definitely embodies a more earth, psychedelic feel than anything on Merriweather Post Pavilion , but I can?t yet tell if I like it? I?m sure it will grow on me, most of Animal Collective is an acquired taste. That said, the first time I heard Feels, I was brought down upon my knees with disbelief that something could be so delightful and deep.

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If you want to get more information about the background of this song, you can visit wikipedia (WiKi).

Tips to look for free audio clips
(Don't use those tips to download illegally. To buy music is always the best way to support your idols)

Use Google, Yahoo and MSN to find some auido clip sites. Sometimes search engines can direct you to right sites. Now that a lot of auido clip sites are banned by search engines, remember to make good use of exchange links in those sites.
Use auido clip search engines outside the United Stats. I used to use Chinese sites such as Baidu, Sogou, Yahoo China to search audio clips. Your browser maybe ask you to install simplified Chinese character, just ingore it. I always can find tons of English audio clips in those music search engines.
Use P2P software. It works well for full album audio clips specially. In fact, you almost can find everything with P2P software.
Visit artist's offical website. Some artists' sites provide mp3 files for fans to download.

Source: http://www.lyrics007.com/Animal%20Collective%20Lyrics/Today%E2%80%99s%20Supernatural%20Lyrics.html

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Black couple says racism forced wedding relocation

Click photo to enlarge

In this image taken from video and provided by WLBT TV, shows Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson in their home in Crystal Springs, Miss. Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson, a Jackson couple says the church where they planned to get married turned them away because they are black. (AP Photo/WLBT TV)

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - A Mississippi couple says the church where they planned to get married turned them away because they are black.

Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson say they had set the date and mailed invitations, but the day before their wedding they say they got bad news from the pastor of predominantly white First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs: Some members of the church complained about the black couple having a wedding there.

The Wilsons, who live in nearby Jackson, said they attend the church regularly although they are not members.

Pastor Stan Weatherford told WLBT TV (http://bit.ly/QSNlf8 ) he was surprised when a small number of church members opposed holding the wedding at the church.

"This had never been done before here, so it was setting a new precedent, and there are those who reacted to that because of that," said Weatherford.

Weatherford performed the July 21 ceremony at another church.

"I didn't want to have a controversy within the church, and I didn't want a controversy to affect the wedding of Charles and Te'Andrea. I wanted to make sure their wedding day was a special day," said Weatherford.

WLBT reported that church officials now say they welcome any race. They plan to hold internal meetings on how to move forward.

Church member Casey Kitchens said she and other members of the congregation are outraged by the church's refusal to marry a black couple, a decision she says most of the congregation knew nothing


"This is a small, small group of people who made a terrible decision," Kitchens told The Clarion-Ledger (http://on.thec-l.com/QSRyQa). "I'm just ashamed right now that my church would do that. I can't fathom why. How unfair. How unjust. It's just wrong."

"I blame the First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs, I blame those members who knew and call themselves Christians and didn't stand up," said Charles Wilson.

Wilson told the newspaper that he understands Weatherford was caught in a difficult position and he still likes the pastor, but he also thinks the pastor should have stood up to the members who didn't want the couple to marry in the church.

"It's not reflective of the spirit of the Lord and Mississippi Baptists," the Mississippi Baptist Convention executive director, the Rev. Jim Futral, said. "It's just a step backward. ... It's a sad thing."

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.

Source: http://www.elpasotimes.com/ci_21185092/black-couple-says-racism-forced-wedding-relocation?source=rss_viewed

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Franklin Sports Recreational 4 Player Badminton Set - blog*spot

VIEW price of Franklin Sports Recreational 4 Player Badminton Set

Picture of Franklin Sports Recreational 4 Player Badminton Set

Product Description

The Franklin Sports Recreation Badminton set includes 4 tempered steel "Tightstring" racquets, 61" assembled height poles with net, 2 shuttlecocks and a carry bag. This set is perfect for beginner players. Great backyard fun!

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #28835 in Sports & Outdoors
  • Brand: Franklin
  • Model: 3341S1/03
  • Released on: 2011-01-31
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 27.00" h x 9.00" w x 2.50" l,


  • Includes 4 tempered steel "Tightstring" rackets strung with Hy-sheep racquet string, includes 2 yellow shuttlecocks
  • Net is 20' X 1.5' X 1.5", also includes 4 net-saver net clips
  • Poles are .75" diameter octagon, virgin PVC with 61" assembled height
  • Also includes 6 yellow styrene ground stakes, 2 top and 2 middle guy ropes and 3 sided tape construction
  • Includes carry bag

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Source: http://gracegfdaniel.blogspot.com/2012/07/franklin-sports-recreational-4-player.html

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Source: http://messeigneurs-multitudinous.blogspot.com/2012/07/franklin-sports-recreational-4-player.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Treasure Coast Real Estate | Surfside Unit 02 Homes For Sale July ...

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Source: http://www.treasure-coast-living.com/2012/07/28/treasure-coast-real-estate-surfside-unit-02-homes-for-sale-july-2012-2/

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Romney closing Israeli fundraiser to reporters (The Arizona Republic)

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Fascinating Information About Self Improvement And Exactly How It ...

Often in daily life, we all need a bit improvement. We might be a tiny better, a bit more spiritual, or perhaps an a bit more truthful. There are lots of qualities which we can adjust to make ourself greater men and women. The following post consists of tips for anybody who would like to perform a little personal development and improve themselves.

Decide what your goals are and picture achieving these objectives every day. Use photographs, notes and maybe even videos relating to your objectives so you can much better keep you motivated to help keep at it before you attain them. Unless you make time to help remind oneself from the targets you may have set up, you most likely will not likely get to them.

An incredible self improvement tip is to always live honestly. To become truly great woman or man, you must have sincerity. This too means you should are living in your means. Tend not to spend more money than you have. Being truthful with yourself and with other people will experience all kinds of benefits in the foreseeable future.

Get newborn methods coupled the road to personal development. Established tiny desired goals instead of lofty desired goals so that you can attain them and really feel happy with it. Will not listen to naysayers or poisonous those who usually do not would like you to achieve success. Even unless you meet your goals, you will know you experimented with.

When you?ve created a blunder, imagine everything you may well inform your little one or your best friend should they possessed done the exact same thing. Often individuals could be more difficult on on their own than anyone else when it isn?t necessary. Be as soft with yourself as you are with other people once they make some mistakes, and you?ll feel better about on your own.

To hold yourself motivated have got a pleasant levels of competition using a buddy or colleague.

Get enough sleep at night. Sleep at night is just not a luxury it?s an important component of as being a human being. Sleep deficiency can make you feel concerned, more prone to struggle to shed weight, and basic old grumpy to every person you connect to. Consider getting a whole 6-8 hrs every night and find out how much better you are feeling.

Determine what?s most critical to you, and release the others. You can be attempting really hard to do every thing, when the reality is that no person can. When dealing with something, request whether or not it concerns what is most critical in your own life. If this isn?t, you don?t need it.

In conclusion, people attempt to make them selves greater by learning something totally new, shaping their health, or growing their funds. Every one of these self improvement steps are completed by thousands of people and odds are, you may have completed many of them. Whenever you want to accomplish any type of self improvement, remember the info using this article.

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Source: http://blog.1stfind.com/?p=305266&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fascinating-information-about-self-improvement-and-exactly-how-it-may-help-you

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Watch the American Landscape Change as Seen From Space

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Watch the American Landscape Change as Seen From Space
To celebrate the launch of the first Landsat satellite on July 23, 1972, the USGS and NASA asked the public to nominate landscapes that have undergone a lot of environmental change for a closer look. The Landsat team chose these six submissions and created customized chronicles of the change in each area.

Source: Wired
Posted on: Friday, Jul 27, 2012, 7:51am
Views: 9

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/122113/Watch_the_American_Landscape_Change_as_Seen_From_Space

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Fireworks explode over the stadium at the end of the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Summer Games at the Olympic Stadium in London, Saturday, July 28, 2012. (AP Photo/ Ezra Shaw, Pool)

Fireworks explode over the stadium at the end of the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Summer Games at the Olympic Stadium in London, Saturday, July 28, 2012. (AP Photo/ Ezra Shaw, Pool)

Here's how some users of China's Sina Weibo microblog site felt about the start of the London Olympics:

? Onlooker: "I was most impressed by the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games which cost only $42 million ? less than half of what was spent at the Beijing Olympic Games."

? Timo in a dream: "Compared to the Beijing Olympic Games, I like the opening ceremony of the London Games which interprets the culture in a simple way and it's easy to understand."

? Fan Fan: "The cost of the London Olympic Games was decided by British taxpayers, but Chinese taxpayers did not even know the cost of the Beijing Games."

? Liurong: "Two different styles, what the Beijing games brought to people was unparalleled."

?Henry Hou


EDITOR'S NOTE ? "Eyes on London" shows you the Olympics through the eyes of Associated Press journalists across the 2012 Olympic city and around the world. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item, and get even more AP updates from the Games here: http://twitter.com/AP_Sports

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-07-28-OLY-Eyes-on-London/id-690e3e9b56504a2ba53933c9e16a838c

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Friday, July 27, 2012

The Dragons of Hera

In the Kingdom Hera, ruled by a well loved King, his beautiful Queen, and their five amazingly talented children, the Greek Gods are worshiped and praised. Hera, their mother goddess, watches over them and protects them. But a new god has been born, and though he was cast out of Mount Olympus, he still has his powers. Serpira, god of serpents, has chosen to take his vengeance on the gods and goddesses by destroying their beloved Kingdom of Hera.

As he went about an experiment trying to enlarge lizards, he created the Dragon. In his insanity, he created five different types of dragons.

Above is a synop of the story line. I have 5 roles left, a wizard, the god and 3 princes!

"Mistletoe," said Luna dreamily, pointing at a large clump of white berries placed almost over Harry's head. He jumped out from under it. "Good thinking," said Luna seriously. "It's often infested with nargles." ~~Luna Lovegood

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/NCj1XZzkqe4/viewtopic.php

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WB loans Morocco 300 million dollars to fund ... - Morocco World News

Rabat, July 27, 2012 (MAP)

The World Bank (WB) loaned Morocco 300 million dollars (2.68 billion dirhams) to fund a project to support the second phase of the anti-poverty initiative (INDH).

The loan program was signed on Friday in Rabat by the Economy and Finance Minister Nizar Baraka and the World Bank Country Director for the Maghreb Simon Gray.

The Second phase of INDH (2011-2015) sets out five priority programs namely fighting poverty in rural areas, social exclusion in urban centers and precariousness as well as the cross-section program and the territorial upgrading programme.

On the same occasion, other loan agreements and donations were signed. In this respect a loan for policy and competence development and employment worth 100 million dollars was signed with the aim of supporting reforms relating notably to improving employment productivity and quality.

The Bretton Woods Institution granted an investment loan of 15.8 million dollars to Morocco to fund a project to reinforce the judiciary performance (Mahkamati).

Another loan worth 50 million dollars to fund micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) was signed to facilitate and reduce credit risk concerning MSMEs.

The WB also approved a loan of the World Environment Fund worth 5.18 million dollars to support the integrated management project of Morocco?s coastal areas.

Source: http://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2012/07/49550/wb-loans-morocco-300-million-dollars-to-fund-support-project-for-second-phase-of-indh/

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Optimize Your Home-based Business Achievement Using This Type ...

There are many different home businesses which can pick, and lots of different motivations individuals elect to begin an organization in your own home. No matter which home business you select you will require some tips to help you function as the best small business owner you will be. Pursuing these pointers you will observe your small business grow by jumps and bounds.

Get outfitted daily that you?re caring for your home-based business. You don?t have to use a fit, but business everyday will work. That includes shoes or boots! You?ll learn that being dressed properly and seeking excellent can help you feel better about your self, and you?ll provide a far more specialist perspective away from inside your emails and on the telephone.

Upon having a proven domain, you are going to will need to create an e-mail accounts or two that for that domain name. It can help you promote your company and have a much more skilled physical appearance in the industry. It will likewise present you with yet another device to utilize when arranging your business.

Figure out where you will be operating. You know you will certainly be working at home, however it is important too to be certain your home has enough space for you to execute your obligations. You should be practical about the space that you?ll require or you?ll end up frustrated. For instance, in case you are a residence baker, make sure your home is big sufficient! Should you business office work, you want a quiet, nicely-lit up and comfy place, with room for a big desk and processing cabinets.

Open a whole new company bank checking account for your home business venture. Ensure that every single buck of business revenue and expenditure works via this accounts. Sign up for a credit card that you simply will make use of only for business purposes, like supplies and shipping. Always keep in depth notes regarding big expenses as well as any expenses that must be paid with private resources.

When determining between home-based business possibilities, lean in the direction of tips that you will be enthusiastic about. Following the money could be appealing, but those who achieve this frequently get used up out mainly because they have no desire for the job. Select your home business with enthusiasm in your mind. The funds follows.

Shell out calculated fees. For a home based business proprietor, it can be much better to pay your income taxes four times per year. Except when you desire a jolt when it?s tax time, contact the IRS and set up up a transaction method. Not merely have you been accountable for regular income tax, you should pay out self-work taxes.

Ensure you display buyers going to your website where by they are able to purchase your merchandise. If their purchased in shops, make sure you establish what retailers your product or service can be bought in. This will create respect and have confidence in inside the customers eye for both you and your company.

As you may have just study, you may be effective at the online business. By following the guidelines above, you will be able to have a very successful home business. There are numerous things you can do that will help your company be considerably much more successful and operate softer.

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Source: http://artyapt.com/blog/optimize-your-home-based-business-achievement-using-this-type-of-fantastic-guidance/

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Waverly Pond Park | From Parks and Rec Business Magazine

Waverly Pond Park is a 7.06 acre park located at Waverly and Kenilworth Road. It features a boardwalk, a beautiful gazebo, a picnic shelter, and a pond.

Hours of Operation: Sunrise to Sunset

VN:F [1.9.7_1111]

Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Park Details Affiliations
  • National Recreation & Park Association
Site Amenities
  • Gazebo
  • Geocaching/Letterboxes
  • Picnic Tables
  • Picnicking

Source: http://www.parksnreviews.com/parks/WaverlyPondPark/81650

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Most Websites Are Blind To These Babies Toddler Suggestions ...

If you?re looking for an easy way to make sure your baby is doing fine at all times, baby monitors can give you this reassurance. Today you can find a wide selection in stores and online, in a variety of price ranges. We?ll be sharing some tips on how to pick the right baby monitor for your family in this article.

The Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor is really popular and has a bunch of different features. It?s great for those parents who are hoping for a baby monitor that offers video and audio monitoring. You can watch your baby on the LCD color display while listening for any sounds that indicate that you?re presence is needed. The audio data your monitor is transmitting is automatically encrypted for security reasons and purposes. This particular Motorola baby monitor even monitors the temperature of your baby?s room and regulates it so that the room is always the perfect temperature for him or her all the time. Overall, the Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor is a good investment if you?re looking for a high quality unit with just about every feature you could want. Levana BABYVIEW20 is a digital and wireless video based baby monitor that will let you see and listen to your baby all the time. This system is portable and lets you get a great look at your baby through a handheld monitor. There is also night vision, so you?ll be able to watch your baby even when the lights are turned out. This baby monitor is great and easy to set up, just turn it on and go! You can also put it in standby mode, which will let the battery last longer. When you use this mode, the video and the audio will shut off but it comes back on immediately and automatically at the first sign of your baby having made any noise. This is a good way to save power when your baby is sleeping.

When shopping for a baby monitor, you may want to look at the customer reviews that have been written for various brands and models. Many baby monitors sold online have quite a few reviews, and you?ll usually find a combination of positive and negative reviews. Many of the customers that have bad experiences will be first in line to leave a bad review about a monitor that was supposed to take care of their baby. Several models will have identical problems. Take note of that and avoid these particular baby monitors like the plague.

After reading the reviews, you will understand which baby monitors are the best ones to get. Comparison shopping is the best way for you to figure out whether or not a baby monitor is good or perfect for you. For instance, is it worth it to spend extra money to get both audio and video monitoring? This is entirely up to you, but it can be reassuring to be able to watch your baby on a screen. The above criteria are just a few things to be mindful of when you?re comparing the different monitors that are out there.

Beside writing articles about Babies Toddler, Tamie Mullinex also shares knowledge about whoopi kinderbekleidung? on her blogs. To find out more about restposten kinderbekleidung, visit www.kinderbekleidungde.com

Source: http://www.mylife-coach.net/5021/most-websites-are-blind-to-these-babies-toddler-suggestions-4/

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az health insuranceActually you will notice that most of the center teas offered as ? detox teas? have fenugreek among the primary products. Nowadays, after studying various options, you can choose an agenda from myriad choices, health and discover one which suits their pet? s needs. Provision of more coverage using the right plan A great travel healthcare insurance plan not just enables you to definitely reduce medical expenses overseas and also to manage health problems but additionally to guard your possessions like laptop and camera amongst others. We may not notice it, but because of the requirements in our work, schooling and particular careers, we now have already pressed our- self towards the limit, leading to our physiques to release up from the usual routine and processes. The whole room ought to be lighted, not only the significant area. Consequently, one should almost always buy an insurance plan for nearly each and everything that she or he may possess. Some software might have co- insurance rate of 80 20 ( you? d have purchase twenty percent of immediate and ongoing expenses despite deductible is strained). The healthiness of the individual may be the backbone to his success. How Will You Get Reduced Medical Health Insurance There is a period when many people who had jobs also had some type of medical health insurance. If you value smoking, it is advisable that you should stop to ensure that your lung area will end up strong and healthy. When ethics get health involved in politics, you sciences realize you need to start worrying. Frequently people and people are observed in search of oral health plans at reduced rates. Presently the total amount spent across the country on healthcare is much more than the price of national lsu defense. Top U. S. However, health experts agree that sunshine and physical exercise make the perfect combination to make sure proper bone health. Read the entire review on these items by going to below links. To sum shreveport up, you will lsu health sciences center shreveport find several az az health insurance plans in Illinois for individuals who require reliable coverage. Such situations it? s important that you should approach the doctor and undertake proper medicinal treatment suggested by him. If this involves selecting an insurance plan thats best for you, confusion develops. Rather than waiting to become marketed, self- employed people can seize control of the insurance a better job. How? s Meditation Advantageous to the Health Stress needs to be handled correctly otherwise may lead to anger, anxiety, tension, lack of concentration, sleep disturbances, head aches, mild to severe bouts of depression, and insufficient curiosity about food or az health insurance elevated appetite. A well known health subject at this time is periodic affective disorder or SAD, which ends from shorter winter days and fewer sunlight. 1. You are able to choose from five fund options. Health insurance policies are something which appears like it might be pretty simple to handle but is really a government handled insurance policy really likely to present people using the coverage they need. While it? s really no secret that health has a tendency to decline as people age, some Baby Seniors have been covering their ears.

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However, research conducted recently implies that red- colored meat is connected with the chance health of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Jacobson mentioned that health The primary goal behind offering handled care plans would be to reduce the price of healthcare services by growing competition and streamlining administration. People Before determining the policy they? ll go for, they are able to use free health insurance online quotes to check the help and rates. You? re superior off completely around when purchasing group health policy. This issue could possibly get further irritated because the medical infrastructure on most After studying this document and carrying out some investigation by yourself you? ll most likely convince you. To make certain you select the right

Source: http://curryrecipe-jp.net/health-2/az-health-insurance/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

SugarSync (for iPad)

File synchronization software has saved my hide more times than I can count. I never worry any more about whether I have access to the files I need when I'm out of the office or need to skip town for a few days. No more toting around laptops or uploading and downloading files from USB keys. All my work is backed up and made accessible with SugarSync (free for 5GB), including through the SugarSync iPad app (free).

SugarSync, a PCMag Editors' Choice product, is a cloud-based, file syncing program and service, similar to Dropbox (also an Editors' Choice). You use SugarSync to sync files to the cloud, so that you can access, edit, or share them from the SugarSync website or any SugarSync app. The app selection for SugarSync is sweet indeed, with versions for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Symbian. A Linux client is in beta. The SugarSync iPad app (free) is the focus of the review here, and it's a worthy app to have, although at times I wish it had one signature feature found in Google Drive (formerly Google Docs): the ability to edit documents. Let me clarify that you can only edit documents with Google Drive on an iPad if you access the service via Safari or open your documents in another app, so it's not supported directly in the Google Drive app. Still, editing is a key feature that attracts my attention, and it's a big reason Google Drive is also an Editors' Choice.

The Competition
While I still adore both Google Drive and Dropbox, and will emphasize that they're worthy of our Editors' Choice award, SugarSync does a few things slightly differently that I like, too. SugarSync is extremely simple to use, and it preserves your folder structure?no need to move files into a special folder, as Dropbox has you do during setup. SugarSync also gives you more space with a free account (5GB compared to Dropbox's 2GB) and unlimited bonus space for referrals. Google Drive is comparatively new to the syncing scene and thus still something of a work in progress. On the iPad, it's not as easy to see the source of your files, although it has a great search tool, which SugarSync lacks.

That said, let me be the first to admit that I use all three services mentioned above, but I use each one for different types of documents. I keep my work files in SugarSync, my home computer files (photos, personal documents) in Dropbox, and household files that I collaborate on with my family in Google Drive. . Who says you have to choose just one?

SugarSync's iPad app is free to download, but you do need a SugarSync account to use it. The first 5GB of any account are free, but you can upgrade to 30GB for $49.99 per year, 60GB for $99.99 per year, or 100GB for $149.99 per year (monthly payments are also available, see the pricing page).

The graphical opening page is the first indication that SugarSync's iPad app is easy to use. All the icons and names you've given to your synced devices appear along the left side. See the slideshow for an example. Tap on any of the icons, and SugarSync will pull up a list of the folders and files that devices houses. You'll also see buttons for Photos, Recent Documents, Magic Briefcase, and a few others.

Say you're away from the office but need to quickly reference a spreadsheet that you (wisely) set to sync with SugarSync. From your iPad, you can navigate to the file, view it, share it via email, sync it to your iPad, rename it, copy it, or move it. You can't edit it on the spot, however, as I mentioned previously.

You can apply all the actions supported in the iPad app to batches of files, making light work of otherwise heavy lifting.

The Recent Documents button proves useful for me. It shows documents that SugarSync has identified as being recently created, or changed and synced. For day-to-day work files, this area is great for quick access to files you're likely to need the most.

Photo syncing on SugarSync for iPhone is a little less intuitive than the rest of the app, and it can become very complicated quickly, especially if you use other photo-syncing services, such as iCloud. I had a hard time figuring out where photos lived after landing on the Photos area. It's just not clear where or how they're stored.

One missing feature is a search tool, a critical omission that easily knocks this otherwise stellar app down to its four-star rating. The difficulty I had with photos would disappear almost entirely if I had a search tool at the ready.

SugarSync provides decent security, encrypting your data while at rest and while in transmission. The iPad app adds another layer of security as well in the form of an optional four-digit PIN. For anyone using SugarSync to sync data that could be considered sensitive or personal, this extra protection definitely helps to make you feel more secure and keep out malfeasants.

Syncing Made Simple
If you use SugarSync and have an iPad, you'll definitely want to download the SugarSync iPad app so that you can get at your files quickly and from virtually anywhere, although you may lament the lack of a search tool. SugarSync remains a great file-syncing choice for anyone who wants simple setup, a preserved folder structure, and intelligent interface on the mobile apps. Sugar Sync is an Editors' Choice for file-syncing on the iPad.

Seeing as SugarSync and its strongest competitors are free, there's no reason you can't have them all. You might use them as I do to store files of different types or for different purposes.

More iPad App Reviews:
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/kgdZUuMXoHA/0,2817,2407624,00.asp

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Automotive Fine Art Studio Blog: The 1970's - The Era That Started It ...

We were at a local car show, held at Reif Winery, this past weekend. Our first time there, it's a very nice event, with about 350 classic cars, many of them Corvettes. Inevitably, when people see Michael's car artwork (especially in person), they want him to capture cars from other eras in brilliant watercolor! One of the most popular requests is vehicles from the 1950s. It's not that he doesn't like? those cars, Michael has an appreciation for pretty much every collector vehicle, it's a matter of time and influence.

Time is easy enough to explain ... each painting takes Michael literally hundreds of hours. Painting in watercolor allows Michael to play with reflections, subtle gradations and incredibly small details, but the drawback is that it is a time consuming medium. It's "high risk" ? with very little room for errors. Each decision has to be made before the brush touches the cold pressed watercolor board he paints on. With a translucent medium, here are no "do-overs", or in other words, no "paint-overs!"

So, although Michael creates these incredible works full time (and then-some, putting in 16 hour days near the end of a painting), due to the length of time each piece takes, he only releases between 3-6 paintings a year. Currently, he is working his way through the "muscle car" era, thus no 50s cars yet!

Which brings us to the reason he started with the 1960s and 70s ... early influences. Everyone seems to have that pinnacle moment when they fell in love with a car, a make, a model. I often ask clients when they were struck by the "Mopar magic", or? hit with the "Chevy arrow" or the "Ford thunderbolt" ... okay, maybe I don't ask in such colourful ways, but you get the idea. Everyone I've spoken to can almost pinpoint that moment in time that impacted them and their choice to become car enthusiasts. For Michael it was a ride in his uncle's Mustang ... I think he was only 5 years old ... he got in and KNEW it was a cool car! Born in 1967, Michael grew up in the 1970s, and that era had the greatest influence on him. He grew up when muscle cars from both the 1960s and 1970s were everyday vehicles.

Michael's paintings are a reflection of the cars, the culture and the decades that brought them to us. While doing some online research for an upcoming piece, Michael came across this cool site, dedicated to bringing back some of the fun toys and games that those growing up in the 1970s might remember ? it sure brought back memories for him! He found many toys, especially model cars and trucks, that he himself built back then. Check it out, it's a lot of fun. PlaidStallions.com ? Linda

Source: http://automotivefineart.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-1970s-era-that-started-it-all.html

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FACT CHECK: Romney ignores other budget players

WASHINGTON (AP) ? As he blames the president for the prospect of large cuts in defense spending next year, Republican Mitt Romney is ignoring the role that Congress and members of his own party played in setting up that possibility.

Romney spoke Tuesday to members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, one day after President Barack Obama addressed the group. In his remarks, Obama painted an encouraging picture of the additional resources his administration has poured into helping veterans get disability benefits and mental health treatment. But he glossed over just how much those problems have grown during his time in office.

A look at assertions by Romney and Obama to the VFW and how they compare with the facts:


ROMNEY: "The president's policies have ... exposed the military to cuts that no one can justify." He said the military faces "an arbitrary, across-the-board budget reduction that would saddle the military with a trillion dollars in cuts. ... Strategy is not driving President Obama's massive defense cuts."

THE FACTS: Actually it was Congress, more than Obama, that set the stage for such a massive cut in the Pentagon's budget. Last summer's crisis over increasing the government's borrowing cap produced an agreement designed to force lawmakers to make the kind of hard decisions that would reduce future deficits. That agreement was passed overwhelmingly by the House and Senate.

Top congressional leaders took the lead in crafting a bargain that included almost $1 trillion in cuts from projected increases to agency budgets over a decade and established a so-called supercommittee to find at least $1.2 in additional cuts. But that panel, which had White House support, deadlocked, leaving the military and other agencies to face the automatic cuts Romney criticized.


ROMNEY: Obama has failed to work with allies to deter aggression, including "the sudden abandonment of friends in Poland and the Czech Republic. They had courageously agreed to provide sites for our anti-missile systems, only to be told at the last hour that the agreement was off. As part of the so-called reset in policy, missile defenses were sacrificed as a unilateral concession to the Russian government."

THE FACTS: Romney is talking about Obama's decision, announced in September 2009, to replace a Bush administration plan for missile defense in Eastern Europe that would have placed 10 long-range interceptors in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic. The Obama administration says it made the changes to better address the emerging threat from Iran's missile program, not to appease Russia. While Russia initially welcomed the change as less threatening to its interests, Moscow has since ramped up its opposition.

A key part of the new system, a radar, will still be fielded in Poland. The administration also followed through with a related Bush administration deal with Warsaw to station a Patriot missile battery and a small number of U.S. troops in Poland near its border with Russia.

Romney's claim that the Czech government agreed to provide a site for the system ignores the fact that the plan faced serious domestic opposition and never won the necessary parliamentary approval. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who served in both administrations, once said that the Bush plan "was not going to happen because the Czech Republic was not going to approve the radar."


OBAMA: Painting an encouraging picture of the additional resources his administration has poured into helping veterans get promised benefits, Obama said: "We've hired thousands of claims processors. We're investing in paperless systems. To their credit, the dedicated folks at the VA are now completing 1 million claims a year, but there's been a tidal wave of new claims." He called the backlog "unacceptable."

THE FACTS: Veterans can be eligible for help with conditions caused or aggravated by their military service. The government, however, has long struggled to keep up with the claims, and the backlog has grown worse during the president's term in office as soldiers return from Iraq and Afghanistan.

In May 2009, about 135,000 claims for disability benefits had been pending for more than 125 days, representing about one-third of all pending claims. Today, that number has more than quadrupled, to 558,000 claims ? about two-thirds of all those pending.

As Obama emphasized, the Veterans Affairs Department has processed more claims than ever in the past two years. In 2010, the VA completed a million claims but received about 1.2 million new ones. In 2011, the department again processed more than 1 million claims, but about 1.3 million new claims came in.

The department's independent inspector general has said the VA made the problem worse by not assigning enough staff to process appeals and not following its own guidelines in processing older claims.

For example, when investigators reviewed the claims processed at three offices in California, they found that division managers did not conduct monthly reviews of those claims pending for more than a year ? a violation of policy that led to unnecessary delays.

In recent congressional hearings, lawmakers from both parties have voiced frustration with the VA's inability to cut into the backlog despite the additional resources allotted to the task. Obama noted that the VA has redeployed 1,200 claims experts to target and tackle the most complex claims in the backlog. It's also moving to a paperless system.


OBAMA: "We've also focused on the urgent needs of our veterans with PTSD. We've poured tremendous resources into this fight."

THE FACTS: Obama correctly noted that the administration has increased its investment in helping veterans deal with the mental wounds of war, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder. Staffing for counselors, psychologists and mental health workers is up 45 percent since 2005, with the department recently announcing that about 1,900 more mental health workers were being added to the fold.

But there, too, investigators found that the VA routinely did not follow its own guidelines in treating patients seeking mental health treatment. The department had claimed that 95 percent of new patients seeking mental health treatment got a full evaluation within the department's goal of 14 days. But the independent investigators found performance was far worse; nearly half of the veterans seeking mental health care for the first time waited about 50 days before getting a full evaluation.

Investigators explained the conflicting numbers by stating that the VA did not have a reliable and accurate method of determining whether patients were getting timely access to mental health care. They said the VA's measure "had no real value."

Obama called it an outrage when he hears about service members and veterans who died waiting for help. "We've got to do better," he said. "This has to be all hands on deck."


Associated Press writers Andrew Taylor and Desmond Butler contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-romney-ignores-other-budget-players-213346538.html

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Domestic Abuse Counseling ? How Couples in Abusive Relationships


One of saddest things about people in abusive relationships is the way they use their counseling losses and therapy misses to lock themselves in their despair, until the lid pops and they end up in a domestic abuse divorce.

These people know they walk on eggshells and sleep on rocky waters. They reach out to couples therapy and oftentimes find that the dynamics underlying their discord solidifies.

Once they both acknowledge that they are getting nowhere in therapy, they stop the counseling. Then when the abuse stirring in their relationship is sufficiently felt by both of them, a new therapist becomes the target of hope once again.

While the hope is sweet, the prospect for a positive outcome remains the same as it did prior, because the therapy is the same. They engage a different therapist, but the same therapeutic orientation.

Seeking Therapy Without Treating the Problem

After the second try (i.e. stab at it?no pun intended), they conclude that therapy does not work and cannot influence their dysfunctional relationship. They appreciate that both therapists share the same observations. And they themselves even admit to what the professionals observe.

However, at this juncture, they live on the tail of two failed therapy attempts. Consequently, one or both of them believes that therapy simply doesn?t work, or doesn?t work for them?and certainly not for their problems.

What surprises me is that it doesn?t occur to couples that they are in the wrong therapy. It?s possible that therapy is such an obscure thing for the general public, that they see it as one intervention.

I liken it to the belief that ?medicine? is what you do when you hurt or when you are ill. Now this may sound like an over simplification, but imagine this: A podiatrist?s treatment doesn?t correct your back pain, and you walk around believing that podiatry doesn?t work.

The Divorce Remedy for Domestic Abuse

Then the going gets rough for the couple once again, but this time they have cold feet?and they prefer not to go the therapy route, so they hold tight until the day comes when one of them is served with divorce papers.

This scenario, as I have described, happens to more domestic abuse couples in divorce court then not. In other words, it is common practice for abusive relationships in route to divorce. I lived it firsthand and observe it in couples coast-to-coast.

If you are in an abusive relationship seeking help for the control and abuse issues that you live, find help directed toward the dysfunctional dynamics in your relationships. If you don?t get specialized treatment, you will spend your promise and exhaust your hope before giving yourself the benefit of an appropriate intervention for your problem.

For information on effective domestic abuse counseling, visit http://www.enddomesticabuse.org/domestic_violence_trt.php Psychologist Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. helps couples nationwide end and heal domestic abuse. ?Jeanne King, Ph.D. ? Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention

Source: http://internet-millionaire-articles.com/domestic-abuse-counseling-how-couples-in-abusive-relationships-waste-hope-in-the-wrong-therapy/

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Bieber paparazzo faces criminal charges in pursuit

FILE - This July 22, 2012 file photo shows singer Justin Bieber arriving at the Teen Choice Awards in Universal City, Calif. Los Angeles prosecutors have filed criminal charges against a paparazzo photographer for allegedly racing across a Los Angeles freeway in an effort to get photographs of Justin Bieber. The case marks the first use of a 2010 state law designed to prevent paparazzi from dangerously pursuing celebrities for photos. The City Attorney's office said Wednesday that 30-year-old Paul Raef faces four charges, including reckless driving with the intent to capture pictures for commercial gain, following another vehicle too closely, and reckless driving. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP, file)

FILE - This July 22, 2012 file photo shows singer Justin Bieber arriving at the Teen Choice Awards in Universal City, Calif. Los Angeles prosecutors have filed criminal charges against a paparazzo photographer for allegedly racing across a Los Angeles freeway in an effort to get photographs of Justin Bieber. The case marks the first use of a 2010 state law designed to prevent paparazzi from dangerously pursuing celebrities for photos. The City Attorney's office said Wednesday that 30-year-old Paul Raef faces four charges, including reckless driving with the intent to capture pictures for commercial gain, following another vehicle too closely, and reckless driving. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP, file)

Justin Bieber arrives at the Teen Choice Awards on Sunday, July 22, 2012, in Universal City, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

(AP) ? Authorities are using a new California law to charge a paparazzo photographer in connection with a high-speed chase of Justin Bieber earlier this month.

The Los Angeles City Attorney's office on Wednesday filed four misdemeanor charges against Paul Raef, 30, including reckless driving with the intent to capture pictures for commercial gain, reckless driving, failure to obey a peace officer and following another vehicle too closely.

Paparazzi pursuit of celebrities has long been identified as a risk in Los Angeles.

"It's Hollywood. There are a huge number of celebrities and there's a lot of money paid for these pictures," said attorney Harland Braun, who has defended cases involving paparazzi and who said he has had to fend off photographers chasing his celebrity clients.

"Unfortunately, innocent people get caught up in these chases," he said. "I think the law is a good thing."

City attorney spokesman Frank Mateljan said the Raef case meets all the criteria spelled out in the law, which was designed to clamp down on photographers' reckless pursuit of celebrities and has not been used before.

"We're very confident in our case," he said

However, a leading First Amendment lawyer said the California law is likely to be challenged vigorously.

Attorney Douglas Mirell said the statute enacted nearly two years ago seeks to punish members of the press by a different standard than the average person.

"A fan doing the same thing, trying to get a glimpse of Bieber or taking a photo for their personal photo album might be engaged in the same egregious conduct. But it would fall outside the statute because they were not doing it for a commercial purpose," Mirell said.

He said members of the press should be prosecuted the same way as others for laws such as reckless driving but should not be singled out as more culpable than others.

The charges stem from a July 6 incident in which Los Angeles Councilman Dennis Zine, a former police officer, and three other motorists called 911 to report a high speed chase along the 101 Freeway in the San Fernando Valley.

Officers saw six vehicles pursuing a silver Fisker Karma, a high-end sports car driven by Bieber.

Raef's Toyota SUV was seen traveling at speeds over 80 miles an hour, weaving across all lanes of the freeway and on the shoulder, forcing its way into lanes where there was little room to merge safely.

Authorities said motorists were forced to brake and swerve to avoid colliding with Raef's vehicle and the others.

Bieber pulled over when officers signaled him to do so, but Raef's vehicle did not stop.

Bieber was given a speeding ticket and released.

The matter might have ended there. But 30 minutes later, Bieber called 911 and said he was again being followed by the same Toyota.

California Highway Patrol officers arrived at a downtown Los Angeles parking garage, where other paparazzi had congregated, and found the Toyota with the same license plate as the one that had chased the singer.

Officers identified Raef as the driver.

Raef is scheduled to be arraigned Aug. 9. If convicted, he faces up to one year in county jail and $3,500 in fines.

Raef could not immediately be located for comment. Bieber's publicist did not respond to phone and email messages

Although Bieber ended up with a speeding ticket, Mateljan said he has cooperated with authorities investigating the case.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/4e67281c3f754d0696fbfdee0f3f1469/Article_2012-07-26-Bieber%20Paparazzo/id-c96226812de2418ca38e59f56bed2e76

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